Competitive Marksmanship n Advanced Rifle Marksmanship
Scope n Learn n Learn the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship –Match –Match Competition –Competitive –Competitive marksmanship, though, necessitates that not only must all shots hit the target but they must also impact at a specific point; the bull’s-eye!
Shooting Equipment n Shooting Coat n Shooting Glove n Data Book n Shooting Stool n Spotting Scope n Shooting Glasses n Hearing Protection n Sweatshirt
Additional Equipment n Sweat bands n Pens/Pencils n Sight Black/Carbide lamp n Adhesive(Firm Grip) n Water n Food(No facilities available)
M14 Match Rifle n Specifications –9-11 –9-11 lbs –trigger –trigger pull 4.5 lbs –maximum –maximum effective range 1000 yds –sights n front n front - fixed n rear n rear - adjustable 1/2 minute elevation and windage
M14 Match Rifle n Specs –glass bedded –trigger modified for smoothness and consistency –match grade barrel installed –gas system modified
M14 Rifle n Specifications –Gas –Gas operated –Magazine –Magazine Fed –Air –Air Cooled –Semi-auto/automatic –Semi-auto/automatic fire –Match –Match Grade not capable of automatic fire
Course of Fire n Slow fire –200yds –10 or 20 rds –1 minute per round –Target is pulled and scored after each shot –Standing position
Standing Offhand
Course of Fire (cont) n Rapid Fire –200 Yds –10 rds –60 sec –Must perform reload with magazines loaded with 2rds and 8 rds during string –2 rds in first magazine 8rds in second magazine –Sitting from standing
Sitting Position
Course of Fire (cont) n Rapid Fire –300yds –10rds –70 secs –Must perform reload (same as 200 yd rapid) –Prone from Standing
Course of Fire n Slow fire –500 or 600 yds –20 rds –1 rd per minute –Target is pulled and scored target each shot –Prone position
Prone Position
Fundamentals of Marksmanship n Sight Alignment n Trigger Control n Breath Control
Your Eye and the Sights n The relationship between your eye and the sight is the eye relief. –The optimum eye relief is ~ 3 ” –This eye relief is maintained by a “spot weld” n The eye cannot be focused at two distances simultaneously. However, the eye is capable of instantaneous focus from different distances.
Sight Alignment n The top of the front sight should be centered on a line with the horizontal axis of the rear aperture. Center the top of the sight horizontally and vertically in the rear aperture.
Sight Picture n Sight picture differs from sight alignment only with respect to adding the aiming point. n The most common sight picture is the “6 oclock hold” n Although all shooters do not use the same sight picture it must be uniform from shot to shot.
Sight Pictures
Factors Affecting Sights and Bullet Impact n Sight alignment n Spot weld n Wind n Temperature n Light – Position – Direct or Indirect
Reading Mirage n Mirage with 8-12 MPH wind boiling with no wind.
Reading Mirage n Boiling with lateral wind left to right right to left
Effects of sun n The sun can affect the aiming point n This will affect the point of impact of the bullet.
Factors Affecting Trigger Control n Concentration – Focused on sights – Slowly squeeze trigger n Grip on Rifle –Firm – Same for each shot n Trigger Finger Placement – Same position(straight pull)
Follow - Through n Ensure there is no undue movement until the bullet leaves the barrel. n Continue to hold breath, focus on front sight, and practice trigger control.
Call the Shot n When do you do this? – During live fire and dry fire. n How do you do this? – Note the relationship of the front sight to the rear sight. n Why do you do this? – Allows analyzing the shot or group of shots.
Elements of Good Shooting Position n Bone Support – Withstand repeated recoil n Muscular Relaxation – Prevents trembling n Natural Point of Aim – The rifle becomes an extension of the body.
Shooting Positions n Factors Common to All Positions n Manner in which they apply differs slightly from one position to another. –Left Hand –Riffle Butt in the Pocket of the Shoulder –Grip of the Right Hand –Right Elbow –Spot Weld –Breathing
Standing Offhand
Standing (Offhand) n Balance n Assuming the Position n Shooting in the Wind n Holding Exercises n Position Checks
Sitting Position
n 3 Variations –Crossed Ankle –Crossed Leg –Open Leg n Position Checks – Rifle Vertical Not Canted – Left Elbow Under Weapon – Sling Positioned above bicep and tight – Rifle Butt
Sitting Position n Position Checks(cont) – Rifle Butt n Close to neck n High in hollow of the shoulder – Right Elbow n Locked in front of knee – Torso Bent at Waist – Leg Muscles Relaxed
Sitting Position n Position Checks(cont) –Head n erect as possible n look straight through sight n firm spot weld –Grip
Sitting Position n Position Checks(cont) –Legal Requirements n “In the sitting position, the weight of the body rests on the buttocks feet and ankles. No other portion of the body shall touch the ground. The rifle will be supported by both hands and one shoulder only. Arms may rest on the legs at any point above the ankles.”
Prone Position
n Prone position is relatively steady and easy to assume n Breathing Position Check – 6:00 to 12:00 position n Position Checks –Rifle Vertical(not canted) –Left hand forward to sling swivel –Rifle resting in “V”
Prone Position n Position Checks(cont) –Left elbow well under receiver –Sling high on arm –Rifle butt n Close to the neck in hollow of shoulder –Shoulders level –Body well behind rifle –Face fixed on thumb and stock(Spot Weld)
Prone Position n Position Checks(cont) –Daylight between trigger finger and the stock. –Trigger finger applying pressure straight to the rear.
Prone Position n Position Checks(cont) –Legal Requirements n “ In the prone position, no portion of the arm below the elbows shall touch the ground, nor may any portion of the rifle or body rest against any artificial support. Body shall be extended on the ground, head towards the target. The rifle will be supported by both hands and one shoulder only.”
LANTFLT Matches Schedule