ONTARIO CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Jimmy Doyle Sergeant Steve Trujillo Officer Randy Marrujo
February 2, 1996 Moses Lake,Washington 14 year old suspect opened fire on a junior high school algebra class. n 2 students and 1 teacher killed n 1 student wounded
March 13, 1996 Dunblane, Scotland n Male suspect enters elementary school through an open back door, with 2 handguns and a rifle. Over 100 rounds are fired at the victims in 2 minutes. n 16 students and 1 teacher killed
October 1,1997 Pearl, Mississippi n 16 year old suspect stabbed his mother to death prior to going to high school with a 30/30 rifle. n 2 students killed n 7 students wounded
December 1,1997 West Paducah, Kentucky n 14 year old suspect enters school site with numerous weapons and opens fire on students while they were praying. n 3 students killed n 5 students wounded
March 24, 1998 Jonesboro, Arkansas 11 and 13 year old suspects activated a fire alarm and shot students as they exited the school. n 4 students and 1 teacher killed n 10 students wounded
April 25,1998 Edinboro, Pennsylvania 14 year old suspect opened fire at a middle school dance. n 1 teacher killed n 2 students and 1 teacher wounded
May 19, 1998 Fayetteville,Tennessee n 18 year old high school honor student shoots another student while on campus. n 1 student killed
May 21, 1998 Springfield,Oregon 15 year old suspect murdered his parents the night before he went to school and opened fire in the school cafeteria. n 2 students killed 22 students wounded
April 20,1999 Littleton, Colorado 17 and 18 year old suspects enter high school with numerous weapons and explosives. n 12 students and 1 teacher killed n 23 students wounded
April 23, 1999 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 14 year old suspect shoots but misses intended target, striking another student. n 1 student wounded
April 28, 1999 Alberta, Canada 14 year old suspect opens fire at school. n 1 student killed n 1 student wounded
May 20, 1999 Conyers, Georgia 15 year old suspect opens fire at high school. n 6 students injured
December 6, 1999 Fort Gibson, Oklahoma n 13 year old opens fire at a middle school using a 9 mm handgun. n 4 students wounded
February 29, 2000 Mt. Morris Township, Michigan 6 year old first grader shoots and kills a fellow student after telling her, ”I hate you.” n 1 child killed
First Aid n All staff needs to be up to date n Gunshot wounds n Broken bones n Severe lacerations
School Site Response n Recognize a threat n Move away from the threat n Report the situation n Site’s main office sounds alarm n Staff Secures School, lock down Duck, cover and hold in the safest place possible
Call 911 n Provide School site name and location n Suspect description, D.O.T. n How many shots have been fired n Location on campus n Hostage situation, victims n Obey the police, everyone may be treated as a suspect
n Binders are made available to police n Site representative meets and briefs police n Command post established n Master keys obtained
n If possible, evacuate students to off-site evacuation location n Take roll n Establish student/staff tracking station n Remain at location until departure is authorized n Provide police with as much detailed information as possible
Law Enforcement response n Lessons learned over the years n Traditional response n Active shooter response
Your main objective: n The safety of students and yourselves n If a violent intruder enters your area attacking, you must escape or take cover
If you find yourself in a hostage situation n Calm n Inquire n Respond n Issues n Success n Hostage value
n Weapon n Ask questions n Answering questions n Eye contact n Speaking n Listen
VIPER Violent Intruder:Police & Educator’s Response PROGRAM ONTARIO CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT (909) Chief Jimmy Doyle Sergeant Steve Trujillo Developed by Officer Randy Marrujo