Hunting Whitetail Deer By: Bryan
Hunting musts You must have gun safety certificate for 18 or younger You must wear blaze orange You must have a place to hunt Rifle season starts first week in November, bow and arrow starts earlier
Rifle or Slug Black powder, Shotgun slug, or Rifle Must be big enough, but not too big Scope or not Type of action Bow and arrow
Shot placement It is best to shoot deer in vital area Behind front legs
Scents and calls Masking scent –Skunk scent –Tree scent Doe scents –Doe in heat Buck grunts and antler rattles
Walk Walk in woods Drive with a party
Deer Stands Tree or permanent Try to place near deer activity –Trails or tracks –Bedding –Droppings –Fallen Antlers –Scrapes –Rubs
Deer Tracks
Buck Fight
Deer Scrapes
Buck Rubs
Rut Bucks are ready to mate Have enlarged necks Best when hunting season and rut are at same time