Deuces Constance Jiang Hoai Nguyen Ji Eun Noh Peter Oh Rebecca Kim
I. Introduction II. Production Process III. Competitor Analysis IV. Challenges 1. Time efficiency 2. Product Diversification 3. Ordering System V. Strategic Solutions
Brief History Bansner’s Ultimate Rifles, LLC - opened by Mark Bansner in 1980 as Bansner’s Gunsmithing with his wife, Roslyn Bansner Banser’s background Start up Reputation
Bansner’s ultimate goal was to build a rifle with ultimate accuracy with a sleek and eleg ance Customer orientated Customization Skilled craftsmen
Banser sells a range of rifles prices ranging from ; Highly Accurate lightweight custom big game hunting rifle 1) RECEIVER 2) BOLT STOP/TRIGGER 3) METAL
4) MOUNTING SYSTEM 5) STOCK 6)CLEAN UP 7)The Last step is putting everything together: placing the metal in the stock fastening with screws. And further fastening the trigger on to the rifle also. Lastly placing the bolts to hold the rifle altogether 8) PRIOR TO SHIPPING
Bansner’s rifles are custom made which may take 8-10 months Other companies sell the rifles made already so time is not an issue for larger manufactur ers The price of Bansner’s rifles are quite expensive compared to other companies Remington Arms Company Browning Arms Company
Bansner’s sell guns for different purposes Mountain Rifles Safari Hunter Rifles Alpine Hunters Consumers expect the best from Bansner’s rifles Quality (Trigger, scope, weight, distance) True gun connoisseurs would pick Bansners over your typical rifle “I purchased one of your rifles for the purpose of hunting cape buffalo. My son and I went to Zimbabwe, and had a successful safari. I’m now interested in purchasing another rifle from you.” Walt Wood “I won a shooting at 500 MTS Competition with “your” rifle, on June 26 & 27 th, -Tiziano Tezri
Remington has several facilities: ammo, custom plant, firearms plant, corporate center, target plants, and technical center Bansner’s warranty is second to none guarantees an efficient, working rifle provides free fixing for any of their rifles Limitations for Remington warranty: accidents, abuse, misuse, and normal wear and tear
Bansner’s Ultimate Rifles Remington
Bansner’s Ultimate Rifle Remington Arms Company’s Rifle
Competitive advantage: Custom-made Brand = trust High quality Weaknesses Labor intensive Time consuming -> Search opportunities to compete with rivalry. Job Process Order winner
Production process – 8 to 10 months Longer production time due to: Custom made Quality importance
Supply Chain View
Lack of Diversification limits: Seeking new opportunities Company growth Market expansion -> Therefore, limits profit from other potential customers and market segments
Current ordering system: Visit personally – takes time and money Contact: telephone call, or fax Unsatisfactory -> A new innovative ordering system is needed!
1. Time efficiency: Cut wait time for product Much manual labor involved Replace simple tasks with machinery to save time
2. Product Diversification Hunting rifles ShotgunsPistols
3. Ordering system Utilize technology Home delivery? Update customers on production status -> Online customization -> Helps diversification
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