Fourth Brigade JROTC
Fourth Brigade JROTC Overview Mr. John Sovine Chief, 4th Bde JROTC
AGENDA Personnel Introductions Fourth Brigade AOR Battle Rhythm Budget Odds & Ends Contact Information Open Discussion/Questions
PERSONNEL Authorized – 11; 10 on hand Mr. John Sovine Mr. Chuck Perry Mr. George James Mr. Steve Anderson Mr. Art James Mrs. Lynn Davis Mrs. Sylvia Green Mr. Anthony Ross Mr. Erik Shay Mr. Robert Dawson Vacant
4th BRIGADE Area of Operations 4TH BDE Programs SY14/15 North Carolina 130 South Carolina 84/1 Virginia 59/2 Maryland 22 West Virginia 20/3 District of Columbia 11 Delaware 5 Total: 331/6 DC DAI Richmond DAI WSFC DAI Charlotte DAI 4Th Brigade Horry County DAI Over 60K Cadets 730 Instructors (21/6) 337 Programs
4th Brigade JROTC Battle Rhythm Maximum Use of Leave Winter Break Spring Break Assistant/Cluster Training Visits JPA Schedule Development JPA Schedule Development Commissioning (MS IV) CPFT/CTLT (all) JROTC Program Accreditation (JPA) Execution MTS Review Rappel Cert Training Maximum Use of Leave Essay Contest Redistribution of Equipment Regional Training JCLC Execution & Visitation JCLC Planning & Coordination Rappel Cert Training JLAB Planning & Coordination JLAB Execution BOB Raider JLAB Planning & Coordination CC Air Rifle Natl Air Rifle BOB Drill Meet MLK Drill Meet Regional Training All Other Reports CC Drill Meet Natl Drill Meet IG, AP Reports Unit Report Grading Continuous Reqs: Admin, Log, Tng, Suspense Tracking, Calendar, Taskings, Cadre Tng/Cert/Mgmt (marksmanship, rappel, JSOCC, Interviews, etc.), Budget Actions, GPC Oversight, Expansion and Closure Actions AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG
FY15 BUDGET INFO All spending has stopped unless approved by Brigade FY15 Budget allocation to be provided on/about 10 Oct Anticipate a CRA Budget execution timeline for FY15 is: 31 Jan 15: 40% 31 Mar 15: 60% 30 Jun 15: 90% Less OMA and less MPA MPA: 5.68M (approx 25% less) OMA: .523M (approx 54% less)
ODDS & ENDS Regional Instructor Training Bad timing this year due to late funding , hotel availability & packet approval timeline Mandatory training for continued certification Instructors will attend the training on an alternating basis Brigade Commander decision authority for excusals Considering more cluster training and smaller regional training events JROTC Program of Accreditation: CCR 145-8-3 dated 28 Jul 14 is the current version Evaluation of Cadre play major roll in process Will validate during SY14/15; 11 programs and all DAI shops for 4th Bde Automation Contract: Currently in contracting. (laptops, desk tops, printers, CMs, digital cameras, TVs, etc.) IT Equipment Contract: Awaiting final approval at Cadet Command pending GOAL1 waiver and RAD from TRADOC. Should be in contracting this week. (Mobis & CPS only) Additional Instructor Hires: No change at present. Cadet Command will not fund new/replacement 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. positions. School may hire & fund additional instructors with Cadet Command approval. SAI and primary AI are always funded.
ODDS & ENDS (continued) FLIP-L: Must be sent to Mrs. Lynn Davis or Mr. Anthony Ross, Brigade JROTC. We will forward to the PBO as each FLIP-L must have an inquiry number assigned before the PBO will process. Log Course: All DAI level MPS personnel must attend the log course. Goal is 1 school trained MPS per school. ASUs: NLT 4th Qtr FY 2015 Focus available MPA spending on ASUs until 100% JROTC Program of Accreditation (JPA): CCR 145-8-3 dated 28 Jul 14 is the current version, posted on website Evaluation of Cadre play major roll in process Will validate JPA during SY14/15; 11 programs and all DAI shops for 4th Bde Reading Assignment: CCR 145-2 (JROTC Org, Admin, Ops, Tng & Spt) CCR 145-8-3 (JROTC Accreditation Program)
ODDS & ENDS (continued) Policy Memo #8 Serious Incident Reports CAT 1 Serious Incident Reports (CCIR Related) See matrix for list of CAT 1 SIRs Make telephonic notification immediately Submit 5Ws Submit SIR within 24 hours of incident If unsure – send it Send all SIRs to me; do not bypass the Brigade CAT 2 Incident Reports (non-CCIR related) See matrix for list of CAT 2 SIRs Instructor injury or illness requiring hospitalization Any instructor absence for 30 calendar days or more
CONTACT INFO Name Position Email Work Phone Blackberry Mr. John Sovine Chief 910-396-4066 910-354-0640 Mr. Chuck Perry Sr Tng & Ed Spec 910-396-8606 910-354-0696 Mr. George James 910-396-8706 910-354-0665 Mr. Steve Anderson Tng & Ed Spec 910-396-0136 910-587-7387 Mr. Erik Shay 910-643-4346 910-354-0701 Mrs. Sylvia Greene 910-432-4499 910-551-5875 Mr. Robert Dawson 910-396-4277 910-729-4085 Mr. Art James 910-643-6588 910-286-1439 Vacant Mrs. Lynn Davis Logistics Mgmt 910-643-6397 910-587-7451 Mr. Anthony Ross Log Tech 910-396-6085 910-583-6600