A Sociodemographic Analysis
Data were randomly collected from 1153 attendees Response rate of 86% Largest Margin of Error is ± 2.8% 59.9% were new attendees 56.9%-2013 61.5%-2012 61.9%-2011 63.5% Average group ( , , , ) 2.21 Adults 1.26 Children 3 ½ per car is a good estimator Statistically higher than 2013, but even with past years
Latinos are ≈3 times less likely to attend
Consistently 3/4 ths of attendees make more than the state median income
Ch3 Ch12 Ch10 Wld Views Regs AZ Rep 102.5KNIX 92.3 KTAR Fam-down Fam-lat Fam-up Co-wrkr Friend Org Emp AZ central AGFD Facebk Enews AZGFD BIllboard BASF Driveby Prior =1,000 Attendees
Demographics are likely tied to the location Distribution is perfect for playing both sides of ‘north Phx’ and ‘statewide’ arguments Stakeholders may be interested in the geographic distribution
YesNo Yes25 % 7%7% No49 % 19 % YesNo Yes24 % 3%3% No53 % 20 % YesNo Yes10 % 3%3% No43 % 45 % A campaign AT the expo to get shooters to try shotgun is needed
At Expo$433,200 Outside Expo $485,100 Total$918,300 Spends $36.66 in our gates Spends $41.06 outside our gates 43% of intend to buy, because of Expo Estimate an average of $611 in equipment
Nearby Procrastinators Adventurous AdultsAnthemites Diverse Families Clusters Is this your first time to the Expo? How did you hear about Expo? What is your ethnicity? What is your gender? What best represents your income? What was your favorite area? How many adults? How many minors? What is your age?
Day (% Sunday) 75%47%48%53% First time 63%57%53%67% Adults Kids % Caucasian 83%82%91%79% Age Income (in thousands) peak $at $after Hear 37% WoM43%Other36% WoM43%Tv Favorite Area RifleRifle/ClaysCMS/Exbtrs KidFish/Paddle more Shot Rifle 46%50%19% Shot Pistol 39%44%16% Shot Clays 14%32%7%4% Fish 63%59%56%61% Hunt 49%55%52%44% Archery 28%42%37%29% WW 77%73%76%75% OHV 62%57%48%54% Boat 44%35%51%50% Shoot 64%78%63%59% Nearby Procrastinators Adventurous AdultsAnthemites Diverse Families
FavoriteDrawSatisfaction HighRifle Exhibitors CMS Kids Fish Exhibitors Talks Rifle Pistol CMS Youth Shoot Shotgun Rifle LowBoating Demo Fish OHV Paddlemore OHV Boating Youth Shoot Archery Boating Demo Fish Kid Fish OHV
3/4 ths of attendees are above Median Income Our intended audience will inform our marketing 2,419 new shooters OR about 30% of non- shooters
Vendors- The data support a higher vendor rate Play up the rich $433k change hands within our gates The Expo reaches far beyond North PHX 3 out of every 7 attendees intend to buy equipment as a result of the Expo
Messaging Prior research found messages that are universally appealing to (nearly) everyone Conservation Habitat Public safety Each area should continue to emphasize these Everyone loves Expo
We still can improve our reach to Latinos TV and WoM are important to 1 st timers Incentivize the ‘bring a friend’ Incentive Outreach Saves stocking $ 38¢ Offset by Billboard