The Continental Divide
By 1800 about 1,000,000 farmers lived between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River – Cheapest way to get supplies to Atlantic Coast was Mississippi River – Stored supplies in New Orleans while waiting for ships Who controlled the Mississippi? Spain and US on good terms Pinkney Treaty gave us use of the Mississippi River and New Orleans (“right of deposit”)
Meanwhile…Spain signs a secret treaty agreeing to sell Louisiana Territory to France – Right of deposit denied to US – Napoleon poised to conquer Europe – Looking to expand French empire into North American – Jefferson becomes fearful… Spain was weak France was not weak
Sends James Monroe and Robert Livingston to Paris to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans and the immediately surrounding areas.
I see you have no chance: – Haiti (French colony) stages a successful revolution and overthrows French colonial rule – Haiti is no longer a springboard into N. Amer. – France needs money to fight war in Europe (Britaion) – Result: Napoleon looks to “dump” Louisiana I See London, I See France…
Jefferson wants to buy west Florida and New Orleans for $10,000,000 France sells Louisiana to the U.S.A. for $15,000,000 – Less than 4 cents/acre – 2011: $233 million, 43 cents/acre – The U.S.A. doubles in size – Spans Mississippi River – Rocky Mountains Big Question: IS THIS CONSTITUTIONAL? – Remember, T. Jeff was highly opposed to these sorts of actions – undermined states rights and led to “big government” and not strictly aligned with the constitution!
Congress provided money ($2,500) for a team of explorers to study the new lands – 2 captains – Meriwether Lewis & William Clark – 38 enlisted men – Handful of civilians (French fur traders – Sacagawea serves as interpreter of the Shoshone language
1.Map a route to the Pacific 2.Develop friendly relationships with Indians 3.Study resources, climate, animals, etc. In 1804 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led one of the most historic American Expeditions
Mathematical Instruments: – surveyor’s compass – hand compass – telescope Camp Supplies: – hatchets – two dozen tablespoons – mosquito curtains – 10 1/2 pounds of fishing hooks and fishing lines – 12 pounds of soap – 193 pounds of "portable soup" Presents for Indians: – 12 dozen pocket mirrors – 4,600 sewing needles – tomahawks that doubled as pipes – vermilion face paint – 33 pounds of tiny beads of assorted colors Clothing: – 45 flannel shirts Arms and Ammunition: – 15 prototype Model 1803 muzzle-loading.54 caliber rifles – 500 rifle flints – 176 pounds of gunpowder packed in 52 lead canisters – 1 long-barreled rifle that fired its bullet with compressed air, rather than by flint, spark and powder Medicine and Medical Supplies: – 50 dozen Dr. Rush’s patented "Rush’s pills" – 1,300 doses of physic – 3,500 doses of diaphoretic (sweat inducer) Traveling Library: – Barton’s Elements of Botany – Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz’s History of Louisiana – Richard Kirwan’s Elements of Mineralogy – A map of the Great Bend of the Missouri River