Welcome & introduction - BUCS Strategy review – Karen Rothery Aims of the work on a Strategy for Sport within BUCS – Chris Earle The journey to date - Mark Brian Supporting the Strategy within the BUCS office - MB Pilots – MB The story so far..... BUCS Rowing – Fiona Rennie (SMG Chair for BUCS Rowing) The story so far..... BUCS Athletics & Cross Country – Pete Bovill (SMG Chair for BUCS Athletics) Sports development & commercial updates – Jon Brookstein & Sion Williams Break out sessions – CE Next steps.. - CE Agenda
The aims of the work on a Strategy for Sport are to ensure a shared understanding on priorities for sport - at a macro and micro level - across BUCS The work on a Strategy for Sport within BUCS aims to Deliver a plan for each sport – a plan shared across the BUCS office and embracing views / priorities from key stakeholders incorporating a view on 1, 3 and 5 year planning Provide effective sport delivery infrastructure Align with clear work responsibilities for BUCS staff - working to achieve strategic objectives related to specific sports, ensuring targeted efforts and a focus on developing skills, knowledge and expertise
A strategy for sport is a set of principles, assumptions and plans at an individual sport level which will help BUCS to meet its over-arching objectives through ‘sport related’ activities 1. Collate data 2. Analysis of data 3. Consider strategic options INDIVIDUAL SPORT PLANS
As measured by : The total entries in BUCS competitions ( team and individual entries ) for the sport - as a proportion of total entries across all sports evidence that a particular sport plays a part in delivering talent development programmes for NGBs evidence that athletes performing at World Class / International level in a particular sport have studied ( recently) or are studying at university an assessment of the level of activity of press and PR for each sport – highlighting which sports provide BUCS with the highest media exposure evidence of investment in i) coaches, ii) volunteers iii) capital build v) research, physio etc. & evidence that there is NGB support, ambassadors etc. although not enshrined within the BUCS financial model – the overall contribution of a sport to the finances of the organisation is core to the consideration of the strategy for that sport. participation profile performance contribution Data was collected for all BUCS sports covering 5 different dimensions – participation, performance, profile, contribution & finance. 1. Collate data finance
Each sport was scored based on performance and participation information available within BUCS A group of 13 sports scored in the top third on both participation and performance The majority of sports scored in the middle band for participation and the middle band for performance A group of approx 6 sports scored in lowest band for both participation and performance 2. Analysis of data SportsSE priority sportsParticipationPerformance Athletics √ 33 Badminton 33 Basketball 33 Cricket 33 Football √ 33 Hockey* √ 33 Lacrosse √ 33 Netball √ 33 Rowing √ 33 Rugby Union √ 33 Swimming √ 33 Tennis* 33 Volleyball √ 33 Canoe 32 Fencing √ 23 Squash √ 23 Archery 22 Equestrian √ 22 Futsal 22 Golf 22 Judo √ 22 Karate 22 Orienteering √ 22 Triathlon √ 22 Water polo 22 Boxing 21 Clay Pigeon 21 Climbing 21 Cycling 21 Gaelic Football 21 Gymnastics* 21 Ju jitsu 21 Korfball 21 Pool 21 Rugby League √ 21 Snooker 21 Snowsports 21 Surfing 21 Table tennis 21 Ten Pin Bowling 21 Trampolining 21 Ultimate 21 Windsurfing 21 Modern Biathlon 11 Modern Pentathlon 11 Rifle 11 Rugby Fives 11 Sailing 11 Wakeboarding 11
Modern Bi., Mod. Pentathlon Rifle Sailing Wakeboarding Rugby Fives Modern Bi., Mod. Pentathlon Rifle Sailing Wakeboarding Rugby Fives Archery, Equestrian, Golf, Judo, Karate, Orienteering, Triathlon, Water polo Gymnastics, Surfing, Boxing, Clay Pigeon, Rugby League, Snooker,Trampolining, Climbing, Gaelic Football, Ju jitsu, Korfball, Pool, Snowsports Table tennis, Ten Pin Bowling, Ultimate Windsurfing Gymnastics, Surfing, Boxing, Clay Pigeon, Rugby League, Snooker,Trampolining, Climbing, Gaelic Football, Ju jitsu, Korfball, Pool, Snowsports Table tennis, Ten Pin Bowling, Ultimate Windsurfing Performance scorecard Participation scorecard Canoe Cycling Fencing, Squash Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football (& futsal), Hockey, Lacrosse, Netball, Rowing, Rugby Union ( & 7s), Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball Curling, Short Track Speed Skating Beach Volleyball Cross Country Skiing Flat Water Canoe Long Track Speed Skating Taekwondo Water Skiing Bridge Figure Skating Ice Hockey Savate Wrestling 3. Consider strategic options The strategy for sport is based on segmentation into red sports, white sports and blue sports … each sport has been placed within one of these 3 groups and will be handled accordingly
Restructuring plans within BUCS office Financial International Development Commercial, Communications & Marketing Sport CEO Disability Sport
Sports Restructure Sport RED Sport Manager RED Sport Manager Major Events Manager WHITE Sport Manager WHITE Sport Manager BLUE Sport Manager BLUE Sport Manager Governance, Competitions, Programmes Governance, Competitions, Programmes Event Co-ordinator Event Co-ordinator Event Co-ordinator Event Co-ordinator Administrator
The aim of the work within each sport is to enhance the overall student experience. The plans will evolve from the materials gathered / priorities discussed with key stakeholders Priorities discussedTo be competed for each of targeted sports SMG ( current role / responsibilities etc.) NGB (4 nations or GB as applic. / position of HE within plans ) 4 nations Uni orgs i.e. SUS BUCS office ( scorecard & summary of current prog ) Sport England (WSP priorities) BUCS members Sponsors (priorities / objectives / value / term) UK Sport / TASS / Winning Students (Perf objectives etc.) The planning discussions with each of the ‘red sports’ will focus initially on collating data, ideas, priorities etc. from various stakeholder groups
The work at present is focused on the development of a strategy for 6 pilot ‘red’ sports – athletics, badminton, hockey, rowing, rugby union & tennis. Pilot sportsInitial data gathering Meet with SMG Chair First draft of plans / ideas Sharing plans / ideas with key stakeholders Discussion with BUCS office Updating of plans Athletics √√√ Badminton √√ Hockey √√ Rowing √√√ Rugby Union √√ Tennis √√
Members and student reps are being encouraged to share views on what they might see as the particular priorities within each of the sports. Priority areasAthleticsBadmintonHockeyRowingRugby UTennisYour sport …. Performance International Domestic Rep. Participation National champs Regional champs Inter mural Infrastructure Coach dev./ coaching Umpires / officials Volunteers Club development Profile PR / sponsors etc. For each sport i.e. down each column – please rank the priority areas from 1 – 10 – where 1 = highest. Some member organisations and student representatives have been asked to comment on what they see as the local priorities within each of their sports This information will help the team to manage expectations and to perhaps balance resources to help address specific needs.
BUCS Rowing where we are to date..... This is BUCS Rowing ä BUCS Rowing is already working closely with the NGB and with key stakeholders ä The process of planning and agreeing a strategy for BUCS Rowing will be key in bringing a shared view across the sector ä There is still huge potential for the growth of BUCS Rowing as a well respected, well structured, representative group within the national picture
EUSA team Beginner coaches development Priorities discussed SMG ( current role / responsibilities etc.) NGB (4 nations or GB as applic. / position of HE within plans ) 4 nations Uni orgs i.e. SUS BUCS office ( scorecard & summary of current prog ) Sport England (WSP priorities) BUCS members Sponsors (priorities / objectives / value / term) UK Sport / TASS / Winning Students (Perf objectives etc.) Safe, well run events – establish key events in calendar Raising profile thro’ Rowing magazine & British Rowing website British Rowing Council & Regional council representation Jointly funded position – Brit Rowing / BUCS GB Rowing sculling series Indoor Rowing series Links with GB Rowing on events Talent ID hosting FISU 2014 Realise athlete potential – i.e. embedded within GB Rowing performance pathway support for FISU selection / mgt development of students in international squad management PwC sponsorship Club development - Sport England – 12 targeted clubs & development work with CDOs Explore Rowing – partnerships with clubs Endorsed events
Opportunities BUCS Athletics This is BUCS Athletics and Cross Country ä BUCS Athletics and Cross Country has seen the strategy process as an opportunity to focus on ideas and developments beyond the big 3 national events ä There is huge scope to develop the brand of BUCS Athletics and Cross Country – without compromising on the standard of events
Priorities discussed SMG ( current role / responsibilities etc.) NGB (4 nations or GB as applic. / position of HE within plans ) 4 nations Uni orgs i.e. SUS BUCS office ( scorecard & summary of current prog ) Sport England (WSP priorities) BUCS members Sponsors (priorities / objectives / value / term) UK Sport / TASS / Winning Students (Perf objectives etc.) Expand name to include Cross Country i.e. BUCS Athletics & XC Grow the brand of BUCS athletics by endorsing events and promoting the athletics logo Looking to expand BUCS athletics / XC beyond the current event based structure champs should be scheduled / located to attract and accommodate the top student athletes Marked routes thro campus … i.e mass participation events i.e. BUCS 10k – perhaps BUCS 10k (Leeds), student run / Uni run endorsed events encourage volunteers within clubs to take on event management etc.
Sport Development Funded through our partnership with Sport England Priorities focus on increasing sporting participation across the HE sector Working to develop new and existing opportunities for students within HE environment Working to develop new and existing workforces (paid and voluntary) to support this growth Looking to address barriers to participation
Work with NGBs to develop their ‘offer’ to the HE sector Support HEIs to develop effective partnerships with NGBs and other relevant partners Act as a conduit for information between partners Ensure SMG development actions are reflected in the Sport Development Strategy where appropriate Share models of good practice across the sector and beyond Sport Development
Commercial, communications and marketing… SUSTAINABILITY Continue to look for big name sponsors – who demand more Putting logo on something is not enough… Barclays – moved away from cash prizes to awarding club grants NGB partnerships – BUCS/F.A/Mars Television Raise profile of BUCS and subsequent appeal to sponsors Merchandise Events
Commercial, communications and marketing… Ownership of events and rights. Branding Access Service level agreements Increase capacity – NGB, SMG Balance goodwill with need for commercial activities Keep communication channels open EVENTS At the core of what we do…
Break out session Question 1 What have we missed, forgotten or ignored? Question 2 What is the role of the Sports Management Group? Question 3 How do we ensure that we engage effectively with external sports organisations to deliver our Development Plans?
Next steps 1.Complete data collection 2.Meet with SMGs to share information 3.Draft & publish Development Plans for each sport 4.Identify and provide support for SMGs 5.Implement and monitor Development Plans