Composed by: MUHAMMAD KHAN CORPORATION Ph: Web site:
Sentence Making Here you will be given a word and a very little time to make a sentence form it. Total sentences are 100. The time for each sentence will be 08 sec. In this time you have to read the word and to write a sentence from it. If you can't write fast then use to do practice because practice makes a man perfect.
Instructions Always make positive sentences. Never show that you have fear of any one. Show your trust in God and your hard working habit. Make philosophic sentences like for “STONE” make “Hard work is a mile stone of success”.
Don’t make sentences that show that you are in sensible and negative minded like for “Old man” make “old man always gives a good advise” rather than “old mind is lazy”. Try to write moral lessons and sayings of scholars if needed.
Hold your pencil
2_ _
1.His behavior
2.He is desirous- --
3.Dew drops---
4.I can not----
5.Human nature is---
6.Taliban are- ---
7.Pakistan is my---
8.I fear from----
9.Nothing is impossible---
10.You should not
11.He fashioned his life- -
12.The morale of-- -
13.Usually they---
14.He fell a prey to---
15.Every student ---
16.He has a lot of- ---
17.Muslim women----
18.Situation is ---
19.No Muslim---
20.He has no---
21.While doing this---
22.Last night I---
23.He refused to--
24.Watching movies is----
25.In my spare time--- -
26.Pakistan is ----
27.American policy----
28.Pakistani missiles- ---
29.China is ----
30.Bombs ----
34.She is very----
41.In a good morning- ---
42.Last night----
43.He saw many----
44.His hobby is----
45.This is my----
46.The power of enemy is----
47.Pakistani girls are- --
48.Pakistani films----
49.In my leisure time I ----
50.My father was----
51.Politics in Pakistan ----
52.Our future lies in--- -
53.Socialism is not----
54.Our enemy is----
55.She is not----
56.I thought that----
57.His father was----
58.People think that--- -
59.President of USA is----
60.India is----
61.I like political parties because----
62.Fuel crisis----
63.Main problem of PAKISTAN is----
64.I saw a ----
65.Black snake----
67.He lived a---
68.He has a knife ----
69.Girl is ----
70.He saw blood and - ---
71.His father drank----
72.Time is ----
73.Our youths are----
75.Red color----
76.My blood----
77.Cruise missiles----
80.Ajmal Kasab----
81.Indian Government ----
84. Israel---
85.Tamil tigers in Sri Lanka----
86. Military----
87.He has a rifle----
88. My friend like----
89.My teachers----
90.Our government----
91.Peoples Party----
92. Cricket in Pakistan- ---
93. Terrorism----
94. Osama Bin Laden- ---
95. Challenge----
96. Fighter jets----
99. Palestine issue----
100.Our flag----
Composed by: MUHAMMAD KHAN CORPORATION Ph: Web site: