ManPlan: A Dynamic Web-based Modeling Program For Managing Nutrient Balance at the Watershed Level
What is ManPlan? ManPlan® is a dynamic web-based modeling program used for writing nutrient management plans. Who is ManPlan? ManPlan Inc. is a family owned business engaged in providing nutrient management planning services for agriculture. Where is ManPlan? ManPlan Inc. is located in Illinois and works throughout the Midwest providing NMP services. The ManPlan program is accessible everywhere on-line.
Digital Watershed ( ) allows the user to view the watershed tributary to any given point in the continental United States,
on an 8-digit or (in parts of the Midwest) a 12-digit HUC code level of detail
EXAMPLE WATERSHED: Mixed Land Use Analytical Tools Interface for Landscape Assessments (ATtILA) (ArcView extension) computes a wide variety of landscape metrics for categorical map patterns
DYNAMIC Program: Ongoing Development:
Record-keeping is a central requirement for the implementation of Nutrient Management Plans. ManPlan ® is a web-based record-keeping system for maintaining plans for crop and livestock producers as required by NRCS programs and/or Environmental agencies. CNMP’s-Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans NMP’s-Nutrient Management Plans NPDES plans for CAFO’s Good Management: N, P, K = $$$
Because ‘Plans’ are all about Managing Change... “adapting to changes” Web-based nutrient management program Update your ManPlan® as often as necessary, adapt to changes. Document changes to Nutrient Plans due to: Economics, Weather and ??? Regulations. Track nutrients by field, source, and economic value. Evaluate environmental impacts on Watersheds.
ManPlan is online at: Working with ManPlan® facilitates electronic data sharing from: Farmers/Producers Animal Feeding Operation owners & managers Fertilizer companies Soil and Manure testing labs. Animal Nutritionists Custom Manure Haulers Facility Engineers Regulatory Agencies
Questions? Any river is really the summation of the whole valley. To think of it as nothing but water is to ignore the greater part. Hal Borland, This Hill, This Valley