11th grade Vocabulary Base Words and Root Words
Vocabulary Format Latin root word Latin suffix Definition examples
verify Ver- means “truth” -ify or -fy means “to make or cause something to become” Determine the truth or accuracy by testing or investigating Did you verify what you read, or did you accept it without a question?
credence Cred- is a Latin root meaning “belief” The Latin suffix -ence means “state” or “condition” Something you believe I place absolutely no credence in the rumor of 2012.
equanimity Equa- means “level” or “even” -ity means “state or condition” Quality of being calm and even-tempered The witness maintained his equanimity even when faced with hostile questioning. Even keeled personality
stringent String- or strict- is a Latin root meaning “to tie” -ent means “to cause a condition or action” Severe; imposing tough standards The formation of the Dead Poet’s Society was a chance for the boys to break from the stringent routine of prep school.
carnage Carn- is a Latin root meaning “flesh” a slaughter or a massacre The appalling carnage in Chechnya forced the UN forces to intervene.
brevity Brev- is a Latin root meaning “short” Quality of being brief The brevity of Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge kept the plot interesting.
incisive Incis- is a Latin root meaning “to cut” 1- penetrating, clear, sharp 2- impressively direct, and decisive (in manner or presentation) Incisive remark
legacy Leg- means “law” Money or property given to another by will, something handed down to another His great grandfather’s legacy continues to have an influence in their financial opportunities.
tenacious Tene- means “to hold” French and Latin suffix - ious means “full of” Tending to hold on to something firmly and stubbornly George stuck to his own ideas, regarding Lennie, in such a tenacious way.
temporize Temp- means “time” The Greek suffix –ize makes a word a verb act in a way to gain time or find excuses You’d have to temporize until you find out what she wants.