FREE 30-day Evaluation License File: Please ask about our 30-day evaluations of EM3DS or any product within the CoventorWare suite by sending an to Coventor Inc. is now offering EM3DS through Europractice!
Recommended for: Microwave RF and mm-Wave (theory and circuit design) Electromagnetic Theory Electromagnetic compatibility MEMS design courses MMIC and IC design course easy to learn (complete set of animated tutorials) create animations (AVI, GIF) demonstrating basic principles (standing waves and matching, interference, working principles of a component) Competitive prices for equipping complete classrooms Keep in touch with one of the most used tools in the Microwave and RF industry seamlessly interfaced with the most popular microwave & circuit design suite; AWR Microwave Office Teaching Electro Magnetics
Entirely developed by a research team, includes many unique features (controlled current sources, multimode calibration, ability to enter any frequency dependent parametric expression to describe new materials, interaction with acoustic waves: investigate the impact of material properties (electrical, mechanical), new electromagnetic phenomena and devices, and develop your own calibration technique for measurements. A Pascal Object-Oriented scripting let you handle directly internal parts of EM3DS! Create your own menu in EM3DS, link to events/parameters/results. It is 3D: simulate at the same time dielectric resonators, planar circuits, and active linear devices. Advanced research using EM3DS
Flexible: Parametric definition of objects and materials; you can tune, modify, optimize parameters; extract a parametric macro-model (real- time estimation of response as a parameter is changed); create macro- commands by a pascal script; no grid to fit into... Very Fast: Asymptotic extraction technique (fast for many frequency calculation), Variational (coarse mesh gives good results as well), SmartFIT selects automatically and adaptively frequencies to catch and plot resonances; uses a Method of Moments: only conductors are meshed (insensitive dramatic cross-sectional aspect-ratio), and complex substrates, including tents of layers, are quick and easy to simulate Very Powerful: Allows a broad class of devices: microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide, coupled strip based components, filters, couplers, planar antennas and array of antennas, dielectric resonators, acoustic resonators, active linear devices (MESFETS, HEMTS), transitions, matching circuits Complete suite: includes many kind of charts (Smith’s, polar antenna, S/Z/Y/losses/VSWR/Phase difference/Q measurement, contour plot, surface plot of currents/field, far field plot, 3D views etc); a linear circuit simulator to attach sub-circuits, connect lumped elements, manually calibrate etc; a broadband spice model extractor: extract equivalent circuits automatically; import/export results in touchstone format; filters to import/export GDSII and DXF structures... Design of RF, Microwave, mmWave and MEMS circuits: