NSW Branch Conference July 2005 Tom Gregg President, ATEM Inc THANKS for the invitation
My Philosophies Support for Branches Support for Branches Council (Branch Presidents) key decision- makers Council (Branch Presidents) key decision- makers ATEM Inc is a single association ATEM Inc is a single association Membership is crucial and needs attention Membership is crucial and needs attention PD is key role and must be Branch-based PD is key role and must be Branch-based International and local links important International and local links important TEM Conference is a major tertiary event and showcase TEM Conference is a major tertiary event and showcase
ATEM TODAY 1600 Financial Members 1600 Financial Members All but 3 Australian Universities are Corporate Members + AVCC. In NZ there are 15 Corporates (incl 6 of 7 Universities) plus Ministry of Education and Tertiary Education Commission. All but 3 Australian Universities are Corporate Members + AVCC. In NZ there are 15 Corporates (incl 6 of 7 Universities) plus Ministry of Education and Tertiary Education Commission. Had refereed Journal since 1976, three times a year, and possibly quarterly by 2006 (being reviewed). Had refereed Journal since 1976, three times a year, and possibly quarterly by 2006 (being reviewed). Interactive web site : chat rooms, members forums, HR services Interactive web site : chat rooms, members forums, HR services
ATEM Today (2) Key structure is Nine Branches in Australia and New Zealand – PD locally Key structure is Nine Branches in Australia and New Zealand – PD locally TEM Conference with 600+ Delegates – partnership with TEFMA, and now managed by ICE for WA 2005, and Leishman (Hobart 2004) for NSW 2006, Canberra 2007 and NZ TEM Conference with 600+ Delegates – partnership with TEFMA, and now managed by ICE for WA 2005, and Leishman (Hobart 2004) for NSW 2006, Canberra 2007 and NZ Australian Research Managers and the Council of Private Colleges of Higher Education in talks for TEM Conference – TEM will grow Australian Research Managers and the Council of Private Colleges of Higher Education in talks for TEM Conference – TEM will grow
What Do We Prove ATEM Offers? An opportunity for leaders in the tertiary sector to use our services to improve staff performance and advance their institutions. An opportunity for leaders in the tertiary sector to use our services to improve staff performance and advance their institutions. Chances for our main constituency, which is “HEW 5 to 10”, for self advancement, and skills like conference papers. Chances for our main constituency, which is “HEW 5 to 10”, for self advancement, and skills like conference papers. Gives staff enthusiasm for their roles and greater professionalism. Gives staff enthusiasm for their roles and greater professionalism.
ATEM Offers? (2) Website for job adverts, links (international and Australasian), PD in Branches, Conference information occasional papers, directory of expertise, chat rooms, interactive forums, newsletters. Website for job adverts, links (international and Australasian), PD in Branches, Conference information occasional papers, directory of expertise, chat rooms, interactive forums, newsletters. Branch Conferences and seminars and PD Branch Conferences and seminars and PD Effective professional association funded by members' fees and paying conferences and courses Effective professional association funded by members' fees and paying conferences and courses Refereed Professional Journal Refereed Professional Journal International Links (UK and USA) International Links (UK and USA) New Graded Membership and PD requirements New Graded Membership and PD requirements
ATEM and AV-CC Partnership agreed with AV-CC. PD delivery, mutual support, complementary roles always. Partnership agreed with AV-CC. PD delivery, mutual support, complementary roles always. Concept: Concept: –AV-CC National Courses for ATEM additional delivery through Branches –Popular and/or Restricted Courses Targeted –ATEM Branches to be picked for Pilot (NT first) –ATEM with experience and the network to assist AVCC –Quality Assurance to be addressed.
ATEM and AV-CC (2) Detail of progress so far: Detail of progress so far: –Meeting of ATEM Exec with John Mullarvey and Susan Scott –Relevant courses identified for joint delivery and quality assurance. –Work on choosing ATEM Branches for initial pilot programme.
PD and Graded Membership Membership at “Student”, “Member”, “Associate Fellow”, and “Fellow”. “Hon Fellow” remains Membership at “Student”, “Member”, “Associate Fellow”, and “Fellow”. “Hon Fellow” remains Structured PD requirement for maintenance of advance membership classes Structured PD requirement for maintenance of advance membership classes Branches manage applications. Web site for PD Branches manage applications. Web site for PD AV-CC keen supporter of structured PD and membership grades AV-CC keen supporter of structured PD and membership grades
Some Statistics For Upgrades
Decision-Making and Finance Directions ATEM Inc is the legal entity ATEM Inc is the legal entity Council key body for decisions Council key body for decisions Branches are key organisational structure and MUST be strong and active Branches are key organisational structure and MUST be strong and active Members are the “life blood” for ATEM Members are the “life blood” for ATEM Foundation as investment vehicle and to fund agreed activities Foundation as investment vehicle and to fund agreed activities Strategic projects prioritized by Council and funded by Branches Strategic projects prioritized by Council and funded by Branches Operations funded by subscription Operations funded by subscription
Financial Management Advisory Committee Membership Membership –A Vice President of ATEM nominated by the President: Richard Easther (Chair) –The Association Treasurer: Neil Voyce –One Branch Chairperson selected by Council Lucy Shultz (SA) –One Branch Treasurer selected by Council: Jeff Long (NZ) –A representative of the Secretariat selected by Council: Peter Scardoni –The Association President (ex officio) Tom Gregg
FMAC (2) Advise the President and Council on the establishment of strategies and policies for ATEM for the immediate, medium-term and long-term financial direction and sustained financial health of the Association. Advise the President and Council on the establishment of strategies and policies for ATEM for the immediate, medium-term and long-term financial direction and sustained financial health of the Association. Decisions made by the ATEM Council. Decisions made by the ATEM Council. FMAC will advise on behalf of ATEM: FMAC will advise on behalf of ATEM: –Establishment of a Reserve Fund of $50,000 for ATEM Inc from Conference surpluses, funds provided by the Foundation or investments from Branches.
FMAC (3) –All funds in a single investment vehicle for ATEM and its Branches. Identify invested funds by source and return an agreed level of the income earned –Appointing certified and qualified and professional auditors for the ATEM Inc and for each Branch. –Methodolgies to be used to fund capital projects which are agreed by Council and in Council priority order –Risk Assessment of ATEM Contractor position – Peter Scardoni
Investments A CENTRALISED INVESTMENT FUND? A CENTRALISED INVESTMENT FUND? –Financial benefit to Branches and ATEM Inc from the centralised investment of surplus funds. –$250,000 to $300,000 of Branch-held funds pooled for better returns for these funds –$200,000 or more could be invested longer term. –Fixed term deposit or placed in shares, debentures or other investment vehicles (a Council decision) –The centralised investments should return a better return than individual Branches will achieve.
Issues for Us to Address Next –Branch leadership and Focus with ATEM –Suspicion of “centre” and motives –Federalism versus “good of all” More communication to build the wider view. –Knowledge and understanding of Constitution and legal requirements –PD and Membership levels –An agreed financing scheme for operations and projects –Utilising $A400,000 funds for the advancement of all – we are not a ‘bank” –Membership needs attention – membership coordinators an initiative –TEM Conference and PCO contract –Succession Planning – some of us are showing touches of grey! –Succession Planning – some of us are showing touches of grey!
AND NOW Giles Pickford and Peter Scardoni Giles Pickford and Peter Scardoni