College Bound San Diego An Educational Component of Concerned Parents Alliance, Inc. A Partnership with Poway Unified School District and California Student Opportunities and Access Program Presenters: Dr. Tonika Duren Green Dr. Darlene Willis San Diego State University College Bound San Diego Founder Marsha DodsonMartha Parham College Bound San Diego Founder Director of Alternative Programs Poway Unified School District
College Bound is an educational component of CPA and is in direct response to the challenges affiliated with the educational achievement gap.
2005 Average National Scale Scores for Reading Achievement in Grade 8 (The nation’s report card, 2005)
2005 Average National Scale Scores for Math Achievement in Grade 8 (The nation’s report card, 2005)
2005 Average National Scale Scores for Science Achievement in Grade 8 (The nation’s report card, 2005)
National Graduation Rates (Swanson, 2004)
2004 National Dropout Rates (NCES, 2004)
Percent of Dropouts for California (CDE, 2006)
National Dropout Rates: (NCES, 2004)
Dropout Rates of 16- through 24-year-olds: (NCES, 2004)
The Poway Partnership College Bound & Poway Unified School District Making a Difference Address parent concerns in positive manner School district provides a liaison between parents and school board Provides supplies, facilities, buses when traveling locally, food, and technical support, covers expenses to attend conferences Offers parents a safe environment to address their needs and concerns Supports college for every student
Mission and Purpose of Concerned Parents Alliance, Inc. Concerned Parents Alliance, Inc. is a grass-root, non- profit parent organization founded by Dr. Darlene V. Willis and Mr. Phillip Willis, Jr. in June, Parents of two boys within the Poway Unified School District Pro-Active versus Reactive Motto: “Ensure all children are safe, appreciated, valued, and provided access to a quality education.” Membership Partnerships
College Bound San Diego: A Unique Approach College counseling Development of study and success skills Parental involvement Community service Black history Cultural awareness Career exploration Exposure to a variety of Colleges and Universities
Village Meetings:CBSD Participants and Workshops 5 th – 12 th grade throughout San Diego County 4 Tracks – Middle School, High School, Senior and Parents Required Attendance PUSD pays for facility and refreshments Cal Soap provides Teachers for college prep Parent Volunteers SDSU Professor and parents – Black History Every 2 nd Saturday of the Month Registration Fee
College Bound San Diego: I Believe In Myself, I Love Myself! College Tours Book Club Community Service Opportunities Program Materials Tracking of Students/Report Cards Fundraising Black History Quiz Bowl Finale Program – Awards, Scholarships
CBSD Components Black History Career Exploration College Readiness Public Speaking Senior Seminar Parents Village Meeting Affirmation Pledges
College Bound San Diego Empowering Parents to ensure the children of San Diego County are educated Making A Difference TODAY! Visit Book: Empowering Parents Dr. Darlene Willis at ( ) or Ms. Marsha Dodson at
Current Stats Hi Dr. Green. I was surprised at how difficult it was to find some of the stats. The current graduation rates were just totals so I could only find it broken down by ethnicity in a 2001 report. I also could not find the expulsions broken down by ethnicity so I did not include them. I will keep looking. Please let me know if you want me to fix any slides or continue looking in the areas.
References California Department of Education (2006).Retrieved January 27, 2007, from Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (2004). 26th Annual report to congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Washington, DC: Westat for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services U.S. Department of Education. Swanson, C. B. (2004). Who graduates? Who doesn’t? A statistical portrait of public high school graduation, class of The Urban Institute Education Policy Center. Retrieved January 27, 2007, from The Nation’s Report Card. (2005). Trial urban district assessment reading 2005 (NCES r). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved January 29, 2007, from The Nation’s Report Card. (2005). Trial urban district assessment math 2005 (NCES r). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved January 29, 2007, from The Nation’s Report Card. (2005). Science 2005 trial urban district assessment of grades 4 and 8 (NCES ). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved January 29, 2007, from