MathWorks v. National Instruments Patent Case UC Berkeley CET Patent Engineering -IEOR 190G Spring 2009 Samuel Choi
In 1990’s, there were 2 simulation languages available. One was Mathworks’ Matlab and Simulink and the other was MatrixX MatrixX supported most of the simulation software to Department of Defense (DOD) Mathworks bought a company developed MatrixX DOD teamed up with National Instrument and sued Matworks for Anti-trust thinking that it would be monopoly and DOD might not get MatrixX support if Mathworks owns MatrixX. Mathworks lost. National Instrument owns MatrixX, and along with it, some patents. Background
Developer of technical computing software MATLAB and Simulink. About The MathWorks
Virtual instrumentation For productivity and lowers costs for custome rs easy-to-integrate software LabVIEW graphical development environment, and mo dular hardware About National Instruments
For infringement of its patented method of creating data flow diagrams. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dis trict of Texas entered a judgment in the pa tent suit brought by National Instruments (NI) against The MathWorks. National Instruments (NI) sued
January 2003 Federal Circuit: National Instruments v.s. MathWorks
Decision Affirms Jury Verdict in Favor of NI Findi ng Infringement by Simulink and Related Product s MathWorks knew about the patent since they once owned it when they bought MatrixX. MathWorks did not argued to fight back. U.S. Patent Nos. 4,901,221 4,914,568 5,301,336 A fourth patent, No. 5,291,587, was found valid but not infringed. Decision Affirms
Relate to NI LabVIEW software, which contains major innovations in programming design tools. The jury also awarded National Instruments $3.5 million damages Forbid the sale of MathWorks Simulink Decision Affirms
11/19/2003 new LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit adds the LabVIEW user interface to the Simulink environment. to instrument and verify their control models. The toolkit gives The MathWorks, Inc. custom ers a licensed manner to control and view Simulink data under these National Instrume nts patents NI takes control
Oct. 14, 2004 MathWorks, Inc. is prohibited from manufact uring and shipping of previous Simulink(R). September 2004 Modified Simulink(R) then initiated litigation to clear possible infringement by the modified version service pack (R14SP1) MathWorks listens
begins on new version of Simulink January 5, 2005 Court concluded that The MathWorks' mo dified version of Simulink(R) presents sub stantial issues with respect to infringemen t that should be decided by trial. Patent infringement trial