Rural Health Network of Monroe County Florida, Inc.
Rural Health Network of Monroe County FL, Inc Rural Health Network of Monroe County FL, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. We are funded by grants, patient revenues and contributions from the community for ongoing financial support.
Rural Health Network of Monroe County FL, Inc Rural Health Network of Monroe County FL, Inc. was formed in 1993, to meet a Florida State mandate under the (Florida) Health Care and Insurance Reform Act (FS 381.0406). We primarily serve the indigent, uninsured, underinsured and working poor population of the Florida Keys.
Our Mission: Improve the quality of and access to health care in Monroe County, with the cooperation and involvement of the network membership, other community health care providers and the community at large.
We are a Monroe County based non-profit (100%), with all of our employees living in Monroe County and supporting our local economy. Our Governing Board of Directors represent the entire Florida Keys, from Key Largo to Key West. Rural Health Network has been here to serve the citizens of Monroe County for the past 17 years, with direct care services since the late 1990’s.
Serving Our Community In a County population of approximately 72,000 We have served over 22,000 individuals and currently have an active patient list of about 15,000. Providing tens of thousands of medical and dental services to those patients.
Network Rates Our Network's rates are set on a sliding fee scale, which is based on the current federal poverty guidelines.
Dental services are provided at three locations: City of Key West (Lower Keys) City of Marathon (Middle Keys) City of Tavernier (Upper Keys). Our focus: Provide basic and restorative dental care, alleviate pain and infection, respond to dental emergencies, and address prevention strategies.
Dental services include: comprehensive oral examinations, cleanings with fluoride treatments, periodontal care, routine fillings, root canal treatments, sealants, crowns, dentures (full & partials), extractions, and emergency dental services during clinic hours.
Improve quality of life Eliminate oral health disparities RHN HealthCare Center addresses primary prevention through oral health education and periodontal prophylaxis. Priority is given to children in the delivery of dental services at RHN Family HealthCare Centers. The main goals of the oral health services provided at RHN are in alignment with those of Healthy People 2010: Promote oral health Improve quality of life Eliminate oral health disparities The Healthy People 2020 process will build from objectives and goals set for Healthy People 2010.
Health Promotion and Education
Health Promotion and Education Health Education is central to our programs. By helping patients become more knowledgeable, we help them to become more competent in monitoring their own health. We offer educational assistance to our patients, including smoking cessation and dietary programs.
SERVICE AREA MAP(S) Monroe County FL is designated as a Medically Underserved Area (MUA) with a Medically Underserved Population (MUP). Administration & Corporate Offices 27225-29 Overseas Hwy. Ramrod Key, Summerland, FL 33042 305-517-6613 Fax: 305-517-6617 Medical Key West: Dept. of Juvenile Justice; 20 - 25 hours/week of medical care; providing RN and medical director Dental Monday-Friday 8 am – 5 pm 91555 Overseas Hwy., Suite 1 Tavernier, FL 33070 305-735-4218 Dental: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm 2901 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, FL 33050 305-289-8915 Dental Monday - Friday, 9 am - 6 pm 1010 Kennedy Drive Suite 307 Key West, FL 33040 305-292-6422 Dental Sealants promoted to school children throughout the county for school children in grades 2 & 7
Handicapped Accessible We operate: Three full scale, “state-of-the-art” dental offices, each with a dental lab, totaling eleven operatories. Handicapped Accessible
Handicapped Accessible We employ: four full time dentists, two hygienists, five dental assistants, three health educators, two case managers, one clinic director, In addition, our sealant program has equipment for three “mash” style operatories that we use in all Monroe County schools. Handicapped Accessible
On-going Grants : From the Health Foundation of South Florida, RHN is the recipient of a grant to purchase dental equipment for our third dental clinic in the Upper Keys. From the Federal Government (Dept. of Health & Human Services) RHN is the recipient of a dental sealant grant, to provide free sealants and assessments to our school children. It is designed to provide a dental home for school aged children and their families, while working to coordinate efforts with providers (private & public) concerning Florida Medicaid issues.
Rural Health Network has working contracts and agreements with: The Monroe County Health Department to provide dental services under the Ryan White grant, The Department of Juvenile Justice to provide a medical director, a nurse practitioner/RN and complete dental services for its detainees, The Monroe County School District (Head Start Program) to provide dental services for its program, The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department for financial support for children’s oral health.
Our Community Partners: The Guidance Clinic/WestCare (mental health & substance abuse care) The Monroe County Health Department Mariner’s Hospital Fisherman’s Hospital Lower Keys Medical Center Monroe County Department of Juvenile Justice Monroe County School District – Head Start Program US Department of Health & Human Services; Health Resources and Services Administration Health Foundation of South Florida Monroe County Government Florida Department of Health Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition WomanKind, Inc. And many others…
RHN Starts by: Assessing our community’s health care needs, and Addressing our community’s health care requirements,
When thinking of “sustainability” most people only think in terms of funding . . . Sustainability is really about planning and balance. You must have a complete concept of what your goals and expectations are and how you expect to reach the objectives. The seed funding from HRSA will provide you the opportunity to start your project, make mistakes, correct those mistakes and carefully adjust your original grant proposal to the realities of implementing the plan.
Required Resources Committed Board, Staff and Employees Local Support [Buy-in] A Work Plan Matrix
Implementation Identify resources and partners willing to accept working within your guidelines and limits, or provide the services yourself. Build a team of workers; volunteers, advisors and employees. Develop a strategy for funding your project. Fine tune the working environment.
Find Financial Balance Do not plan on one source to fund your project! My formula (for our local clinics) is dividing the income requirements into three sources. 1/3 from State, Federal and national Foundation grants 1/3 from local sources; City, County and local Foundations. 1/3 from patients revenues.
Special Project Example - HRSA Dental Sealant Grant Goal: Provide dental sealants to approximately 1200 school children in grades 2 & 7 each school year. The planning stage was obviously addressed in the body of the grant. Community buy-in was establishing the partnerships working within the framework of the grant. In our case, the County School District and the County Health Department (providing the school nurses) are the two non-funded partners.
The HRSA 3 year outreach grant (seed funding) The Funding Sources The HRSA 3 year outreach grant (seed funding) The Monroe County Sheriff’s Dept. (Shared Asset Forfeiture Fund - $10,000/yr) The Monroe County Human Services Advisory Board ($60,000/yr) Supply vendors, with $ 10,000 - $20,000 in free product to support our program Our three dental clinics providing follow-up case management and any additional required treatment(s)
It Is Not Rocket Science! Planning Coordination Implementation Adjusting [lessons learned] Balance [especially on the income streams] Hard and dedicated work