Every time you risk money, service, or an object of value on a game with the hope of wining more, you are gambling!
Examples of Gambling Bingo Card & Domino Games when played for $$$$ Games of skill (e.g. pool, darts, shuffleboard, golf) for consideration Sports betting Lottery tickets Games found in a casino (slots, cards, dice) Horse racing / Dog racing Lottery video terminals (VLT) On-line poker, gin-rummy, etc. Scratch tickets Cock fighting / Dog Fighting Stock / Commodity Market
Problem & Compulsive Gambling Prevalence Rates are Higher For: adolescents, casino employees, college students, people of lower socioeconomic status, males, but women are catching up Ethnic minority groups prison populations, seniors those with mental health and substance abuse problems.
Historical perspective of Gambling 1. The American Revolution was funded primarily on a lottery system. 2. Lottery funds in America built the early churches and Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth and Yale University, etc.. 3. The North & the South received much of the funding from Lotteries to support the Civil War (on both sides)
’s - Horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering began to grow in popularity countrywide 7. A crackdown on illegal gambling interests in the1940’s forced gambling to Nevada. 8. Bugsy Segal, noted mobster received a legal gaming license and opened the Las Vegas Flamingo, New Jersey initiated the first successful state sponsored lottery in , New Jersey became the second state to legalize casino gambling
9. The Indian Gaming Act of 1988 now allows tribal casino gambling in what used to be limited to only Nevada and New Jersey 10. Gambling (in some form) is legal in all states but Utah and Hawaii.
“By 1996 the annual take for the U. S. Gambling industry was $47 billion. More than the revenue generated from ALL movies, music, cruise ships, spectator sports, (pro & college), and live entertainment combined. In 2005 the figure jumped to over $75 billion. “ This $ is coming out of someone’s pocket.” *Keith Whyte, National Council on Problem Gambling, August 2004
Gambling is Growing About 75-80% of all adults in the US gamble at one time or another.* Legal gambling in the US is a $72 billion dollar industry.* Over 38 states have lotteries, 6 states have river boats, 28 states have casino gambling.* Jerry Bauerkemper, NCPG, 2004
In in 2 adults bought a lottery ticket in the U. S. 1/3 of total American population visited a casino in 2004 1% - 3% of the Oklahoma population meets the definition of compulsive or pathological gambler * National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.
With the population of Oklahoma at 3.5 Million people* * (Oklahoma Census Report) 1% to 3% of population is pathological in their gambling. Oklahoma =35,000 to 105,000 citizens. * An additional 2% - 3% tend to have significant personal & financial problems. = 70, ,000 citizens * * National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.
Increase in Teen Gambling! According to information compiled by the National Council on Problem Gambling, 63% of 16-year-olds gamble. More gamble as the opportunity to gamble increases Research has found between 40% and 60% of teenagers reported they have gambled for money. * 3% to 6% of teenagers are said to be addicted to video and on-line gaming. The numbers of teenagers addicted to all forms of gambling is growing. Little to NO control* Joanna Franklin, Trimeridian, 2004
Pathological Gambling is defined as: “the persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior that disrupts personal, family, or vocational pursuits. The individual may be preoccupied with gambling (e.g., reliving past gambling experiences, planning the next gambling venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble).” * “Most individuals experiencing pathological gambling say that they are seeking an aroused, euphoric state that the gambling gives them, appearing more exhilarating than the money wagered. Increasingly larger bets, or greater risks, may be needed to continue to produce the desired level of excitement.” * *DSM-IV-R
Pathological or Addicted Gambling Criteria Diagnostic Criteria for DSM-IV Pathological Gambling 1. Needs to put increasing amounts of money into play to get the desired excitement. 2. Has repeatedly tried (and failed) to control or stop gambling. 3. Feels restless or irritable when trying to control gambling. 4. Uses gambling to escape from problems. 5. Often tries to recoup loses.
Continued Pathological or Addicted Gambling Criteria 6. Lies to cover up the extent of gambling. 7. Has stolen to finance gambling. 8. Has jeopardized a job or important relationship. 9. Has had to rely on others for money to relieve the consequences of gambling. 10. Is preoccupied with gambling. Pathological gambling is expressed by 5 or more of the criteria
DSM-IV Criteria for Pathological Gambling – Scoring Pathological Gamblers” exhibit 5 or more of the 10 criteria. “Problem Gamblers” exhibit 3 or 4 of the 10 criteria. “At Risk Gamblers” exhibit 1 or 2 of the 10 criteria.
Problem and pathological gamblers seem to come in two general types. Action Gamblers and Escape Gamblers a. Action gamblers : often male, competitive, play games of skill, seek the rush of gambling – like cocaine addicts b. Escape gamblers : often female, less competitive, passive, play luck games- seek escape- like narcotic addicts. Joanna Franklin, Trimeridian, Inc. 2004
Co-occurring with Gambling 1. Co-occurring disorders, dual diagnosis and cross addictions are high among pathological gamblers presenting for care, i.e., Alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. 2. Affect disorders: depressions, anxiety and bipolar disorder are major concerns. 3. ADD, PTSD, and Substance Abuse Disorders seem unusually common to the problem gambling population. 4. Suicide attempt rates have been reported as high as 15-20% of those who present for care. National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.
Consequences Suicide attempt rates are as high as 15% to 20% among problem gamblers that present for care. 18% to 28% of males and 8% of females in Gamblers Anonymous have declared bankruptcy. Between 69% and 76% of pathological gamblers have missed time from work due to gambling. Between 21% and 36% of gamblers in treatment have lost a job due to gambling. National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.
Problem Gambling in Oklahoma Impacts Criminal Justice Bankruptcy courts Child abuse and neglect - DHS Employment Domestic violence Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Impacts Criminal Justice The vast majority of gambling-related crimes are non-violent Embezzlement Check forgery Stealing credit cards Shoplifting then returning item for cash Tax evasion Insurance fraud Employee theft and fraud
Impacts Banking & Bankruptcy Courts About 28% of pathological gamblers file bankruptcy (Growing in Oklahoma) As availability of gambling increases bankruptcies increase from 18% with no gambling to 28% in a state similar to Oklahoma
Impacts Child Abuse and Neglect Children left at home without supervision Children left in cars in casino parking lots Children abandoned on casino premises
Impacts Employment Approximately 35% of pathological gamblers lose their jobs Approximately 75% have missed time from work due to gambling
Impacts Domestic Violence 25% of spouses of pathological gamblers have been abused Gamblers, both men & women are vulnerable to domestic violence Spouses who withhold money from spouse sometimes endanger themselves unknowingly
Provide Recovery through Referral Attorney’s office Banking & Bankruptcy court Criminal court Child abuse and neglect office Employer/EAP Domestic violence shelter Mental health and substance abuse providers
Treatment Does Work!! 50% to 60% success rate No longer gambled or gambled much less In states with prevention and treatment in place, reduction of pathological and problem gambling by 1% of population (50% reduction)
Treatment Does Work if: Stigma is Reduced Responsible public policies are fostered & supported through: Awareness Balanced and informed attitudes Prevention Quality treatment is provided
The Oklahoma Association for Problem & Compulsive Gambling, Inc. (OAPCG) was incorporated April of 2005 as the independent Oklahoma advocate for programs and services to assist problem & compulsive gamblers and their families.
The OAPCG, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Operations funded by association memberships, donations, and training fees. The policy of OAPCG, Inc. is to be completely neutral to gambling. Neither Positive or negative On legal gambling
The OAPCG was founded with the purpose of developing a solid infrastructure within the state of Oklahoma to address the growing needs of problem & compulsive gamblers and their families.
OAPCG MISSION: 1. To increase the general public’s awareness of problem and compulsive gambling. 2. To enhance the availability and quality of treatment services for problem gamblers and their families through the certifying of gambling counselors in Oklahoma. 3. To insure the quality of education and prevention programs for all citizens of Oklahoma
I. Increase the general public’s awareness of problem and compulsive gambling Develop and implement educational & prevention programs throughout Oklahoma. Marketing and public relations efforts utilizing electronic & print media. Tagging of present gambling advertisement Billboards, gaming machine stickers, and public advertisement for the Oklahoma Problem Gambling Help-line
The Oklahoma Problem Gambling Help-line is operating 24/7 & will be staffed by professional counselors trained in gambling and crisis calls. The hot-line staff will provide crisis management services and an immediate referral to a qualified gambling counselor in close proximity to client. The Help-line service will also provide follow-up to determine if individual made contact with professional counselor. The Help-line will collect data regarding caller demographics, type of gambling caller is engaged in, county the caller is from, etc. Utilize data for on-going research
II. Enhance the availability and quality of treatment services for problem gamblers and their families through the certifying of gambling counselors in Oklahoma. Initiate and advance problem gambling training for presently certified and licensed counselors within Oklahoma, i.e., LCSW, LPC, LMFT, CADC, Lic. Psy., etc. (60 hours of classroom training) Assist & support state certification process for gambling counselors. Support ODMHSAS in their service delivery to problem gamblers and their families.
III. Insure the quality of education and prevention programs for all citizens of Oklahoma Provide the highest quality of education and information delivery to ALL citizens of Oklahoma. Initiate and operate an Oklahoma problem and compulsive gambling information clearing house. Work with the ODMHSAS to create state of the art problem gambling prevention programs. Develop, coordinate, and fund problem gambling research with university guided projects.
Education Education Education Education Prevention Intervention Counseling Training Problem Gambling Hotline Public Involvement Research & follow-up
Contact: Dr. Wiley D. Harwell,D.Min., LPC, CEAP Executive Director 300 W. Gray, Suite 102 Norman, OK (FAX)