CitiFX ® eCommerce FX Joint Standing Committee Operations Conference 2005 The Impact of eCommerce on Operations
CitiFX ® eCommerce Introduction – Key Themes for Discussion Brief comment on the changes we have seen in our industry Identification of the immediate challenges both buy and sell side institutions need to deal with. The future landscape for operations & What to prepare for!
CitiFX ® eCommerce Customer Types For Active Traders and the sell-side This stuff is not new!! Reuters Dealing and EBS have been around for a long time now. As more sophisticated players enter the buy-side of the market, tools have been delivered which contain functionality that service their execution styles. Liquidity aggregator tools : Hotspot, FXInside, Lava FX, EBS Prime, CME on Reuters, FXALL, Bank API For Passive Traders Proprietary Bank Platforms, FXALL, Currenex, FXConnect The processing and settlement of trades is typically as important as execution
CitiFX ® eCommerce Electronic Execution The eCommerce “element” which receives the greatest attention! Has led to the commoditisation of pricing Driving sell-side players to look to other avenues in order to differentiate their market offerings. Has taken long winded processes and compressed them into a fraction of the time required for completion. The buy-side has never had it so good!
CitiFX ® eCommerce Impact on Operations The Risks Mitigated by eCommerce Channels Counterparty identification & reporting Pricing discrepancies Missed trades Settlement risk Many problems relating to human error or fraudulent correspondence
CitiFX ® eCommerce Impact on Operations The Balancing Act Dealing with the increase in transaction numbers, volumes and market participants To continue to grow overall levels of STP The greater variety of channels to enable and monitor Avoiding technology overspend
CitiFX ® eCommerce In the Future Considering the impact of Electronic Execution, Confirmation Platforms, CLS What is the future landscape for operations going to look like? The scope of operational responsibilities may increase without generating a need for additional resources. Credit utilisation monitoring and reporting will need to be conducted on a real- time basis. Additional products can be delivered to clients due to the availability of real time transactional data from operational systems Real time exposure reporting and portfolio analysis
CitiFX ® eCommerce Future Landscape (con’t) Reconciliation of General-ledger, Position and P&L can move to a real-time environment. Implementation of true exception based processes Will outsourcing service models, driven by technological capabilities eliminate operational resource requirements for many organisations.? Internal risk management processes will be advanced 3 rd Party Payments verification (Patriot Act) Market risk overview
CitiFX ® eCommerce Challenges to Focus on Investment in operational infrastructure required to keep in touch with developing industry standards must continue. Technology and resources within sell-side institutions supporting the Prime Brokerage service model will need to be boosted to accommodate growth. Buy-side clients need to be sure that the appropriate mix of treasury technology platforms are applied to their businesses. Push for consistent standards to be adopted in Emerging Markets so that the rise in volumes does not increase the risks associated with dealing in those currencies. (More currencies on CLS)
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