Promoting Healthy Partnerships Introducing HOSA 6021 Morriss Road, Suite 111 Flower Mound, TX Tel Fax HOSA Morriss Road, Suite 111 Flower Mound, TX Tel Fax HOSA
HOSA A student-led organization with a program of work designed to recruit qualified students, provide developmental opportunities and develop the future leaders of the health care community.
Why HOSA? Early 1970s – HOE (Health Science) programs started Early 1970s – HOE (Health Science) programs started Part of Vocational (now Career Tech) Education Part of Vocational (now Career Tech) Education Mid 1970s – Health Care Leaders wanted healthcare organization Mid 1970s – Health Care Leaders wanted healthcare organization HOSA founded in 1976 HOSA founded in 1976
HOSA is Curricular HOSA activities relate to the delivery of health care. HOSA activities relate to the delivery of health care. HOSA activities are an outgrowth of the Health Science Education program. HOSA activities are an outgrowth of the Health Science Education program. HOSA extends the classroom. HOSA extends the classroom. HOSA supports the school/state curriculum. HOSA supports the school/state curriculum.
HOSA is for All Future Health Care Professionals HOSA activities can be offered for students who plan to pursue a health career when a health science program does not exist. HOSA activities can be offered for students who plan to pursue a health career when a health science program does not exist. HOSA chapters can be sponsored by health care community agencies. HOSA chapters can be sponsored by health care community agencies. AHEC Charter Schools HCA
HOSA’s Mission HOSA’s Mission all To enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all Health Science students, therefore, helping students meet the needs of the health care community.
HOSA Goals To promote opportunities in the health professions. To promote opportunities in the health professions. To develop effective leadership qualities and skills. To develop effective leadership qualities and skills. To develop character. To develop character. To build pride and self-confidence. To build pride and self-confidence.
HOSA members engage in learning outside the classroom And develop an understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation, and the world.
The HOSA Organization
Local Chapters HOSA chapter involves HSE students. HOSA chapter involves HSE students. The HSE instructor serves as the HOSA chapter advisor. The HSE instructor serves as the HOSA chapter advisor. Chapter members elect officers. Chapter members elect officers. Chapter members participate in school, community, regional, state and national activities. Chapter members participate in school, community, regional, state and national activities.
State Associations State Officers lead State Associations. State Officers lead State Associations. State HOSA Advisor(s) represent the sponsoring agency and advise State Officers. State HOSA Advisor(s) represent the sponsoring agency and advise State Officers. Chapter members participate in state conferences. Chapter members participate in state conferences.
National Level Endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education Endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education Local members affiliate with State and National HOSA Local members affiliate with State and National HOSA HOSA, Inc. is the legal entity of HOSA HOSA, Inc. is the legal entity of HOSA National Headquarters in Flower Mound, TX National Headquarters in Flower Mound, TX
National HOSA Leadership HOSA, Inc. National Officers
National HOSA Leadership Becky Davis 2007 Chair Dr. Jim Koeninger Executive Director Sierra Jenkins National President
HOSA Provides a Spark for Learning… The National Competitive Events Program!!
Offering 55 Leadership and Health-Related Events
NLC Offers Members Opportunities for... Energizing General Sessions Health Care Workshops Travel Advisor Workshops New Acquaintances and Friends Fun
Including Spectacular Sessions NLC Opening Session Anaheim, California HOSA delegates enjoy laser and in-door fireworks extravaganza! Welcome HOSAMembers
And National Champions! Secondary Postsecondary/Collegiate Including 4 special needs events
National Leadership Conference Held Annually in June National Leadership Conference Held Annually in June State Leadership Conference Held in the Spring-Ask the State Advisor State Leadership Conference Held in the Spring-Ask the State Advisor Fall Leadership Conference Held to train chapter officers Fall Leadership Conference Held to train chapter officers Local Chapter/Classrooms Chapter Competitors Selected Local Chapter/Classrooms Chapter Competitors Selected The Road to the NLC
Positive contribution to the community Positive contribution to the community A pulse on the future A pulse on the future Easy access (captive audience) Easy access (captive audience) Partner in developing future employees Partner in developing future employees Exposure to the REAL healthcare world Exposure to the REAL healthcare world What’s in it for the Healthcare Community?
Positive affiliation – adolescent need to belong Positive affiliation – adolescent need to belong Service activities serve the school Service activities serve the school Positive PR – community and parent connection Positive PR – community and parent connection MORE learning MORE learning What’s in it for the School?
MORE learning – connects classroom with the real world MORE learning – connects classroom with the real world Gets teacher closer to the student Gets teacher closer to the student Program recruitment Program recruitment Satisfaction, joy Satisfaction, joy What’s in it for the teacher?
FUN! FUN! Success! Success! Go to the head of the class Go to the head of the class Takes the “ER” out of the career decision-making process Takes the “ER” out of the career decision-making process Opportunity for achievement Opportunity for achievement What’s in it for the student?
The HOSA Motto “The Hands of HOSA Mold the Health of Tomorrow”
For More Information about HOSA– Visit HOSA’s web Visit HOSA’s web Call National HOSA Call National HOSA