12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 1 Status Report on MANX Proposal Draft Bob Abrams Muons, Inc.
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 2 Outline Background and Objectives Description of System MANX in MICE Upgrades to MICE
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 3 Background MANX LOI submitted to FNAL AAC in May, 2006 with intent to demonstrate ionization cooling at FNAL An updated LOI was submitted in July, 2007, with advances in the technology Last year Muons, Inc. joined the MICE collaboration This proposal is aimed at measuring cooling in the MICE beam at RAL as an extension of MICE We plan to circulate the draft widely to solicit feedback and attract more collaborators, then submit it to FNAL AAC and then to RAL
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 4 Advantages of running at RAL/MICE Great savings in cost and effort –Beam line exists –Spectrometer elements can be re-used –Data acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis software will be a great asset –All aspects of MICE will have been thoroughly tested and understood by the time we run
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 5 MANX Objectives Measure 6D cooling in a channel long enough for significant reduction of emittance Study the evolution of the emittance along the channel by making measurements inside the channel as well as before and after Test the Derbenev-Johnson theory of the HCC Advance muon cooling technology
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 6 Other Considerations Muons, Inc. is largely responsible for the current draft MANX is a part of the Muons, Inc. multi- faceted program, but it is much too large to pursue by our traditional grants based on very specific innovations. We need to build a larger collaboration We want to work toward the long-term goals of achieving a NF/MC
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 7 System Described in Draft MANX Baseline is HCC as in LOIs –Helical solenoid magnet Best understood at this time –Cooling by liquid helium Eliminate safety concerns with use of hydrogen –Absence of RF –> continuous energy loss Eliminates cost and complexity
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 8 Uses of MANX HCC Pre-cooler for NF/MC Final stage of NF/MC cooling, before re- acceleration Use for intense stopping muon beams, of interest for Mu2e experiment and others Epicyclic HCC – Low energy loss (with RF)
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 9 HCC Description
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 10 Helical Solenoid As Envisioned: 3.2m long ~60 coils Ring diameter: 0.5m Graded field 4T->2T Individually powered Identical coils Additional matching Sections needed?
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 11 Matching Sections? –Scheme 1 1. G4beamline representation of MANX HCC with 1.5 period long matching sections positioned between the MICE spectrometers 6D Emittance evolution
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 12 Matching Sections? Scheme 2: “Off-Axis”, No Matching Magnets A G4beamline representation of the off-axis matching configuration where the HCC is placed at a 45º orientation to the MICE spectrometer so that the beam is oriented along the reference path at entrance into the HCC.
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 13 Off-Axis scheme (cont’d) –No losses upon entering the HCC acceptance of the HCC is 50% larger than MICE spectrometer. –Significant losses upon exit from HCC into downstream spectrometer. –Design being optimized to reduce these losses. Also investigating shorter matching sections (~0.5 period)
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 14 Helium vs. Hydrogen as Coolant 5m HCC Pre-Cooler Example HCC pre-cooler filled with liquid hydrogen (blue) or liquid helium (red) With (dashed) and without (solid) 1.6 mm thick Al windows on each end. 6D Emittance reduction factor: Helium: ~4X Hydrogen: ~6X Helium good, hydrogen better
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 15 MANX in MICE
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 16 Comparison of MANX and MICE MANX beam 350 MeV/c, MICE ~250 MeV/c MAX energy loss >MICE energy loss in cooler MANX (no RF) uses all beam, MICE (with RF) must use particles that are in Synch w/RF(~1%) MANX needs better longitudinal momentum measurement
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 17 MICE/ISIS Beam MANX uses same elements New tune for 350 MeV/c Simulations of new beam tune, rates in progress
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 18 Layout of MANX in MICE Hall Move downstream Tracker and Cal farther Downstream (or transversely) Remove MICE cooling apparatus Install longer MANX HCC w/matching Sections (or without)
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 19 MANX w/Matching Off-Axis MANX MANX in MICE (Conceptual)
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 20 MANX Upgrades to MICE
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 21 Improved P Longit Resolution Example L=3m p = 300 MeV/c muon, (γ=3) Β = 0.94 t = 10.6 ns Δp/p = γ 2 Δt/t For Δt = 50 ps resolution Δp/p = 3.6% For Δt = 50 ps resolution Δp/p = 0.36% Tom Roberts and Henry Frisch (U. Chicago) have an SBIR proposal for TOF counters with microchannel plate detectors
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 22 Trackers Inside HCC DetectorsCoils Cryostat Vessel Feedthroughs Power in Signals out MPPCs Electronics Signals out Power in Active area, fibers Support/mounting frame Scintillating fiber planes Similar to MICE spectrometer. Use MPPCs(SiPMs) and onboard readout electronics Consider 4 trackers (x, u, v(?) per set and possibly 2 more outside. Bob Abrams and Vishnu Zutshhi (NIU) have an SBIR proposal on this topic.
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 23 Much Work Remains Simulations of 350 MeV/c Beam tuning and rates. Simulations of full MANX spectrometer including HCC and new detectors Reconstruction and fitting of tracks in HCC Analysis refinements and additions to MICE analysis SW
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 24 Recent Progress on HCC 4-Coil Model Initial 4-coil model has been designed and constructed Now being tested
12/5/2008NuMu Collaboration Friday Meeting 25 Summary We have presented a preliminary draft of our concept of a full muon cooling demonstration experiment at RAL/MICE. We are willing to discuss/negotiate with potential collaborators on the best way forward. We want to do what is best for the community, and meet our existing and future commitments