CANADIAN GOAN CENTRE Canadian Goan Centre Inc is an investor group setup to acquire property for use as Community Centre. The target property is located in Mississauga, near Matheson & Kennedy Road. (close to Hershey Centre) The property is approx. 6,600 sq.. ft in area and currently used as a school. Located in same complex as Malta Band Club, where the 55PGA hold events It has ample parking even with mosque and offices in same area
CANADIAN GOAN CENTRE INC Commercial Details: Property listed at $935,000 Zoning M Sprinkled throughout Nominal assigned parking -21 stalls Condominium fees $ (GST included)
CANADIAN GOAN CENTRE INC Progress to date: 1- Expressions of interest sent by and by word of mouth to potential investors 2 - Proposed facility will have “dance hall” for ~ persons with bar & Kitchen. Also party room, small meeting room, offices & café/bar 3- Investor owned “for-profit” entity. 4. Canadian Goan Centre Inc. to own & operate facility (in formation) 5. Issue shares in $5000 blocks to assemble capital. 6. Initially investors confirming interest required to deposit $500 (10% of share, non-refundable) to participate in registering corporation through a lawyer 7. As of date – 25 Sep. – (approx.) 12 firm commitments for shares have been sent. 8. Meeting will take place on Sunday October 1, 3.00 at St. Francis Xavier Church to initiate company and elect steering group
CANADIAN GOAN CENTRE INC AGENDA Canadian Goan Centre Venue: Church Hall, St. Francis Xavier Church, Mississauga 5650 Mavis Road, (Mavis & Matheson) Date: Sunday, October 01, Time: 3:00pm Purpose of Meeting: To formally confirm the level of support for a Canadian Goan Centre and take this initiative to the next stage. Message of welcome/introduction This is followed by the election of chairperson for the meeting. Review of agenda Need for a Canadian Goan Centre Opportunity that has presented itself – Cooper’s Ave property Model for establishment Malta Band Club Details of the property at Coopers & property in general – Key approach investor owned facility Rules for participation at the meeting - $500 cheque has to be deposited (10 min break for those who have not submitted cheques) Only investors are allowed to participate in the meeting Election of steering Group Mandate of the Steering Group Business decisions to be taken today Next meeting Closure
Canadian Goan Centre Contact Information: To register your interest send to: The Goa Group Alternatively: Your initial deposit can be mailed to: The Canadian Goan Centre , Southdown Road, Suite 331, Mississauga Ontario, L5J 2Z1 Cheques are to be made out to: "The Canadian Goan Centre "