Better information. Better decisions. RSS Really Simple Syndication Tutorial
Better information. Better decisions. RSS Introduction Lets get started –Download an RSS Reader ( example below ) GreatNews - Feed Reader (free) – ( This reader is provided solely to illustrate the configuration process. Hayes, Inc. does not recommend or endorse a specific newsreader. Any newsreader that is compatible with HTTP Basic Authentication and RSS 2.0 is capable of accessing the information provided by our news feed.) Hayes, Inc. is introducing really simple syndication (RSS) technology to its subscriber website as part of our goal to provide you with timely notification of product updates and news articles. RSS is a free service that lets users establish a special feed from the Hayes, Inc. health technology website in an RSS-enabled browser or aggregator. Once this feed is established, you will automatically receive notification when new content has been added to the Hayes website. We have evaluated several feed readers and have found that GreatNews best supports our authentication system and will allow you to see the actual report titles and news articles.
Better information. Better decisions. GreatNews (Free Feed Reader) Download Reader 2.Add Hayes, Inc. RSS Feed –Feed link based on your subscription Click on the RSS icon for your feed link 3.Configure Properties –Set how often your feeds will be updated –Set notification pop up The next 4 slides will help you to:
Better information. Better decisions. Download Reader Click here and follow the instructions
Better information. Better decisions. Add Feed Right click on feed list Add Hayes feed URL 1 2 If you enter a user name and password to access the Hayes health technology website, check the box and enter it here. Copy and paste the feed link customized to your subscription here (see RSS page)
Better information. Better decisions. Receive Feeds 3 Start receiving feeds
Better information. Better decisions. Configure Properties Set how often you want your feeds updated Set how long your new feed notification should be displayed GreatNews can be minimized to your system tray for easy access
Better information. Better decisions. Customized Feed –Hayes, Inc. feeds require authentication prior to viewing the actual report titles. This is basically the same as trying to view the reports on the site. You cannot access the reports until you log in. –If you authenticate, then you will get the report titles tailored to your subscription. For example, if you are a subscriber of the Directory product, then you will see Directory report titles. –If you do not authenticate, then you will only see that there are new/updated reports available. For example, you will see a notification such as “ There are 3 new Search and Summary reports posted to the Hayes health technology website.”
Better information. Better decisions. Feed View based on Subscription You will receive notification when a new report or news article is available. However, only report titles that are part of your current subscription will be displayed.
Better information. Better decisions. Future Plans Hayes, Inc. plans to continually implement additional technologies that facilitate enhanced communication with our clients. With native support of RSS coming in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and Outlook 2007 using RSS should be easy for clients unfamiliar with RSS or unable to install an RSS reader. If you have suggestions for how we can enhance communications, questions or need assistance using RSS, please contact Hayes using the Contact Us page (technical inquiry) or contact your customer service representative.