How Can PVAAS Data Be Made Available to Your LEA? FREE VOLUNTARY OPTION to submit an updated current enrollment student data file and/or GIEP student data file to the SAS EVAAS Team containing data on students currently enrolled in your Local Education Agency (LEA) in grades 4-11 in fall 2012 Timeframe: LEAs have the option of submitting a currently enrolled data file and/or GIEP student data file to SAS, Inc. by any, or all, of these three different submission dates throughout the fall and winter months with the following deadlines: – October 18 – November 1 – December 1
Where do I find all necessary forms/files? The PVAAS login page:
Necessary Form – Service Agreement What is it? Explanation that SAS Institute Inc. is providing a service for $0.00 What does my district need to complete? 1.Accept the $0.00 charges and complete the “Customer” section on page 3. 2.Fax/ to contact information listed at top of form.
Necessary Form – Service Specification Form What is it? Explanation that SAS Institute Inc. is providing custom analysis reports for $0.00 What does my district need to complete? 1.Provide contact information for an account to be created for uploading the data file. 2.Accept the $0.00 charges and complete the “Customer” section at the bottom of the page. 3.Fax/ to contact information listed at top of form.
What next? Typically 24 hours after submitting both forms, SAS will provide a username to the designated contact person to access the secure upload site. Directions on registering this account on the PVAAS login page in the “Upload Instructions” file Start preparing the currently enrolled data file – Template for submission is at
Preparing The Currently Enrolled Data File *If you have new students to the district, and are unsure of their previous district’s AUN and school building IDs, leave these fields completely blank.
Currently Enrolled Data Needed? Each interested LEA should submit 10 data fields on each student as follows: – District/Charter School AUN in – School Building 4-Digit ID in – PAsecureID – Student First Name – Student Middle Initial (if available) – Student Last Name – Student Grade Level in – District/Charter School AUN in – School Building 4-Digit ID in – Student Grade Level in
Preparing The GIEP Data File
GIEP Data Needed? Each interested LEA should submit 8 data fields on each student as follows: – District/Charter School AUN in – School Building 4-Digit ID in – Student Grade Level in – PAsecureID – Student First Name – Student Middle Initial (if available) – Student Last Name – GIEP Status in
Then what? File submitted to SAS EVAAS by LEA – Required data in required format – Separate file for Currently Enrolled and GIEP Keep as 2 separate files as indicated on slides 6 & 8 Approx. 4 weeks later, PVAAS projections released to your LEA via the PVAAS website! Support from IU PVAAS contact on understanding and use of PVAAS projections
Questions? If you have submitted all forms but have not received account information, or experience issues when trying to upload the data file, contact: Adam Armstrong at SAS, Inc. at All other questions can be directed to the PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE at or