Target Industry Cluster Task Forces Rebecca Rust, Chief Economist and Director of Labor Market Statistics, Agency for Workforce Innovation; Andra Cornelius, CEcD, Vice President of Business and Economic Development Opportunities, Workforce Florida; Kevin Lloyd, Project Manager of Talent and Leadership Programs, Fairfield Index; Christopher “Rod” Lewis, Director, Haas Center for Business Research and Economic Development, Emerald Coast The University of West Florida 1
Workforce Florida, Inc. Target Industry Cluster Task Force Florida Economic Development Conference June 23, 2011
Page | 3 Workforce Florida, Inc. Vision - Florida will develop a globally competitive workforce. Mission - Florida will develop the state’s business climate by designing and implementing strategies that help Floridians enter, remain and advance in the workforce, becoming more highly skilled and successful, benefiting Florida business and the entire state.
Page | 4 Workforce Florida, Inc. and the Five-Year Strategic Plan Workforce Florida, Inc. is a lean organization with a small number of full time employees and 37 volunteer board members – Board members are appointed by the Governor, Senate President and House Speaker Our Five-Year Strategic Plan – Creating the Strategy for Today’s Needs and Tomorrow’s Talent – Mandated by Florida law – Recognized by the US Department of Labor as a “National Best Practice” Fourteen initiatives all dedicated to transforming our economy and workforce into a powerful and globally competitive position Strategic imperatives driving our planning and execution include: – A Florida economy in recovery, but at different paces for different people and enterprises – A changing demand for strategic skills sets – Changing administration, legislature and a new economic delivery system
Page | 5 WFI Strategic Plan Framework
Page | 6 The New Florida Economic Development Delivery System Governor Enterprise Florida, Inc./Secretary of Commerce Department of Economic Opportunity/Executive Director Workforce Florida, Inc./President Division of Finance and Administration Division of Community Development Division of Strategic Business Development Division of Workforce Services Regional Workforce Boards Contract Program and Fiscal Instructions Policy Reorganization of Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI), Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and The Office of Trade, Tourism and Economic Development (OTTED)
Page | 7 The Strategic Environment for Target Industry Clusters Attracting new business to Florida and expanding existing enterprises Elevating the STEM-aptitude of students at all levels within the Florida education delivery Balancing talent supply and demand to meet the needs of a new Florida economy Creating a repository of all programs and talent development options available to citizens of Florida Developing measures and/or benchmarks to assess the quality and year-to-year improvement Strategic Emphasis (A,B,C,D,E)Collaborative Engagements A A Supply and Demand Analysis
Page | 8 “Interconnectedness” of Projects in WFI’s 5-Year Plan Project J Target Industry Cluster Task Forces Project A Supply and Demand Analysis Project H Florida Talent Supply Chain Team Project B Customer (Employer) Satisfaction Deeper understanding of required strategic skill sets Anticipate and respond to current and future talent demand Questions answered and guidance on Aviation & Aerospace needs Talent and business needs to build a demand-driven Aviation & Aerospace Cluster Florida-wide survey of business mood related to talent and climate Candid views on state of business climate and talent availability Project I STEM Leadership for Florida Influence education and talent development
Page | 9 The Strategic Environment for Target Industry Clusters Attracting new business to Florida and expanding existing enterprises Strategic Emphasis (A,B,C,D,E)Collaborative Engagements J Target Industry Cluster Task Forces NOW – Aviation & Aerospace and Clean Technology 2012 – Homeland Security & Defense and Life Sciences 2013 – Financial & Professional Services and Information Technology The Three-Year Plan:
Page | 10 The “Anatomy” of an Industry Cluster Task Force The task forces are designed to be self-sustaining organizations. Each task force member needs to be a C-Level* executive with experience in national or multi-national markets, the ability to reach into networks, associations or areas of their enterprise to test ideas, data and messages. Task force members need a strong sensibility to, or a skill set in, Supply Chain Management. An interest in (or better yet a passion for) economic and workforce development. Finally, members must maintain a willingness to engage in candid, informational discussions with other task force members inside and outside the formal task force venue. *For task force purposes a “C-Level” executive represents officers or senior leaders responsible for the productivity, reputation, growth/expansion and sustainability of a company. These include, but are not limited to: CEO, COO, CFO, VP HR/Human Capital, Chief Counsel, CIO and counterparts or sub-leaders with command and control of divisions, regional markets or operational lines.
Page | 11 The Industry Cluster Task Forces in 2011 Objectives Strengthen Florida’s workforce for 21 st century business and competitive needs Create a climate where existing target companies can expand their operations Attract new targeted companies to Florida Broaden Florida’s industrial base far beyond agriculture and tourism Integrate Cluster Task Forces with STEMflorida, Talent Supply Chain, Supply/Demand and Customer Satisfaction Index initiatives Deliverables Document Task Force agenda and operational objectives Convene Clean Technology (April 21 st ) and Aviation & Aerospace Task Forces (May 4 th ) Conduct Second Clean Technology (May 18 th ) and Aviation & Aerospace Task Forces (June 16 th ) Summer Benchmark Assessment Institutes to note processes improved Quarterly Status Reports and an Annual Report A&A TF Meeting Face to Face May 4June 16July 28Aug 31 Clean Tech TF Meeting Face to Face Apr 21 May 18June 30Aug 11 Aviation & Aerospace Summer Benchmark Institute Clean Technology Summer Benchmark Institute Sep Sep Annual Status Report for Industry Task Forces Oct 13 Time Line for Target Industry Cluster Task Forces Done!
Page | 12 Re-imagine the Aviation & Aerospace Industry in five years Create over time, a “demand-driven” economy where the entrenched industry clusters are fed by the Florida Talent Supply Chain with companies drawing on a highly educated workforce as well as other sectors of a growing and diverse economy. Positive Signs – you’ll know it’s working when… Graduates of Florida higher education institutions are staying in the state with companies attracting graduates from other states - stopping the “brain drain”. (Supply/Demand) A “tuned” industry cluster is satisfied with the quality of the Florida’s talent meeting their demand for growth and stability. (Customer Satisfaction and Talent Supply Chain) A flourishing industry cluster may generate regional partnerships with other organizations and realize heretofore, unrecognized economies of scale. A thriving enterprise in an industry cluster may choose to vertically expand their supply chain within the state to take advantage of proximity or local industry associations.
Page | 13 Measuring the Effectiveness of Florida’s Target Industry Clusters Contributes to a successful industry cluster Clean Technology or A&A-related patents issued – National ranking Clean Technology or A&A-related Career Academy Growth – Year to year growth Science and Engineering Students Growth – Ratio of graduate students in S&E to total student-age population Student Science Performance – Percentage of 8 th graders testing at proficient or above Venture Capital Growth – % of total nation’s VC investments Business Tax System Index – Comparison nationally Evidence of a successful industry cluster Clean Technology or A&A Business Starts – Zero employment in 1 st qtr, positive employment in year 2 Unemployment Rate Among Clean Technology or A&A Related Workers Science and Engineering Workers Growth – # of Science and Engineering PhDs employed in Florida Growth in Entrepreneurial Activity – Kauffman Index Research and Development Growth – Value as a % of GSP Customer Satisfaction Scores – Project B results Clean Technology or A&A Business Growth – Revenues, # of employees, etc.
Page | 14 Framing the Industry Cluster’s Future Recommendations Narrative for the Present and Future of the Industry Cluster in Florida Defining the industry, state of the cluster, state of existing talent, current business climate Recommendations - ? State, Regional, Local Industry Cluster Collaboration Benefits to be derived by working more closely with local EDOs, Regional Workforce Boards Recommendations - ? The Importance of Workforce Analytics Understanding talent supply and demand, distributions, demographics and how they can support informed workforce decision making Recommendations - ? Aviation/Aerospace and Clean Technology Awareness in Education Bending the knowledge curve “backwards” to make career information available to younger students, replicate success stories Recommendations - ? Aviation/Aerospace and Clean Technology Collaboration with Florida Colleges and Universities More collaboration and less competition, collaborative marketing Recommendations - ?
Page | 15 Measuring Demand-Driven “A demand-driven talent supply chain is a 21st century seamless ecosystem linking business, workers (new and existing) and educators. To be demand-driven requires knowledge of business needs and assessment of workers’ skills and competencies throughout their career to include lifelong learning and contribution. Demand-driven workforce agencies, educators and external training providers at all levels are poised to respond immediately within business and economic cycles through established and proactive communication networks. Demand-driven talent supply chains are agile and responsive to rapid economic transitions in a globally integrated economy.” Who needs to be demand-driven? Florida Talent Supply Chain
The Clean Tech Cluster (Beginning the Journey) Non-traditional Industry Cluster Encompasses wide variety of activities Defining the Cluster Defining the Critical Occupations 18 groups of 31 “knowledge/backbone” occupations 26 groups of 151 “supporting occupations”
The Clean Tech Cluster (Where We Are Now) Gap Analysis of Traditional Occupations is Complete at State and Regional Level Pursuing a refined definition of the cluster for Florida’s future workforce needs Examining occupational demands that are not defined by traditional taxonomies Defining a core group of critical skills versus critical occupations
Aviation and Aerospace Targeted Industry Cluster Labor Supply Demand Model Example – Machinist
Machinists Labor Supply / Demand Indicators by Occupation SUPPLYDEMANDIndustry (Aerospace) & Occupation Details WIA Training Enrollees 23 Job Ads Help Wanted OnLine – 169 For Short Term Analysis 2010 Current Employment* 881 School District Enrollees 187 OR; 2018 Projected Employment* 938 College System Enrollees Projected Average Annual Openings 196 For Long Term Analysis Occupation % of Industry Total* 2.62% WIA Training Completers 93 Projected Annual Avg. Openings 196 School District Completers 20 Entry, Mean, Median Wages $11.67, $17.58, $17.36 College System Completers 13 Targeted Occupation? NO Public University Graduates N/A Targeted Industry Cluster? YES Jobseekers - 1,113 * Specific to Industry Occupational Details
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