WP6K: INTERACTIVE COMPUTER ANIMATIONS M. Fatih Taşar Betül Timur Gazi Üniversitesi
WP6k: Interactive computer animations in IBST/E Gazi Üniversitesi: GU will produce a teacher development module on the use of interactive computer simulations/animations in IBST/E. The function of these simulations/animations is to clarify underlying mechanisms of natural phenomena. The module will be available online as well as in hardcopy- workbook format and can also be used as the basis of teacher professional development workshops. It will enable teachers to develop content knowledge as well as pedagogical approaches and tools for teaching natural phenomena. It will take approximately 2-3 hrs to complete in the online and hardcopy versions and we will also provide a 3 days extended workshop.
Inquiry learning (de Jong, 2006) Inquiry learning is defined as “an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, and that leads to asking questions, making discoveries, and rigorously testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding”. This means that students adopt a scientific approach and make their own discoveries; they generate knowledge by activating and restructuring knowledge schemata. Inquiry learning environments also ask students to take initiative in the learning process and can be offered in a naturally collaborative setting with realistic material.
Developments in information and communication technologies – ICT (e.g. computer simulations and animations) offer a great potential for more effective inquiry learning. By manipulating variables in a virtual environment students can observe various aspects of the natural phenomena. Such experiences in the virtual space can enable students to discover the scientific ideas underlying these phenomena.
It is more desirable to have students go through authentic experiences. When this is not possible, practical, or affordable then inquiry learning in a virtual environment can play an important role and provide a real-like simulated learning environment.
Procedural Knowledge Science Process Skills: Procedural Knowledge Inquiry learning will give the necessary means and basis to learn the skills required to be learned by science curricula.
de Jong (2006): “Sound curricula combine different forms of tuition, both inquiry learning and direct instruction. Inquiry learning may be more effective in acquiring intuitive, deep, conceptual knowledge; direct instruction and practice can be used for more factual and procedural knowledge. Ultimately, we want students to gain a well-organized knowledge base that allows them to reason and solve problems in the workplace and in academic settings. Finding the right balance between inquiry learning and direct instruction, therefore, is a major challenge.”
What we have done in the past 9 months We reviewed the literature to understand the situation in Turkey and the state of the art of inquiry teaching supported by ICTs. Also, we focused on teachers since they are the ones who will ultimately teach the subjects in classrooms.
The seven learning areas of Turkish Primary Science & Technology Curriculum for grades 4-8: Four content areas supported by three supporting interwoven areas.
TPCAK Therefore, we focused on TEACHER PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE – TPCAK. Developing an effective teacher professional development program will also require an understanding of teachers’ needs and how to interact with them during and after a PD program.
To conclude: We are planning to collaborate with a private company which is developing web based interactive content. This company, SEBIT, Inc., is owned by Turkish Telekom and they have donated the e-learning platform to Ministry of National Education. We think that they will be helpful for reaching more teachers for disseminating the PD program that we are developing. They will also be able to benefit from our knowledge base.
Merging IBST/E & ICT We will develop sample simulations and animations and will also use existing ones and in delivering the PD we will adapt a “targeted approach” for teachers’ needs. We will first apply our program on preservice teachers and try to refine during spring This will give us an opportunity to disseminate our WP to preservice teachers as well.