Who We Are: Made in USA Certified® MADE IN USA CERTIFIED® is the only Registered “Made in USA Certified” Word Mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Since 2008, Made in USA Certified, Inc. is the nation’s leading independent “Made in USA” independant 3 rd party certification source. When we say it’s “Made in USA”, you can count on it. Any company bearing one of our USA-C™ Seals has gone through a rigorous supply chain audit to ensure that the product, process and originates - in the United States of America.
Core Competencies 3rd Party Supply Chain Certification Independent Testing Laboratories Supply Chain Optimization Supply Chain Traceability & Mapping Proprietary Standardized Audit Criteria Historical Document Repository Technology: Cloud Based N+1 Scaling Marketing: Social Media, Print, On-line Branding Consulting Public Relations Support Ongoing Customer Support Services
Differentiators Registered USPTO Trademark(s) Independent 3rd Party Credibility Industry Leader & 1st Mover Advantage Unique Identifying Numbers Buy Local Grid System Smartphone 2D Barcode & RFID Seals Electronic Certificate Powerful Messaging Established Experts
Strategic Partners Manufacturing Leadership Council (Frost & Sullivan) Corporation for International Business Thomas Register of American manufacturers (ThomasNet) TargetGov Women Impacting Public Policy Meridian Finance Group Made in USA Foundation U.S. Department of Homeland Security The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce Hiring Our Heroes
STATS: Boston Consulting Group
Currently, Labeling is confusing The problem: Labeling is confusing and the "Made in USA" label is largely unregulated and many use it incorrectly. There are numerous generic labels for the "Made in USA" claim. Anyone can go to Google and pull up a plethora of Made in USA images.
Generic Made in USA
Numerous 3rd party certifications exist for various product claims and processes. 3rd party certification is multi-billion dollar business and serves an important purpose in the marketplace. 3rd party certifications
3rd party certifications logos
Our Seals
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