Product Recycling Search Marketing to Consumers to Increase Recycling Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company
Big Data Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 2
CONFIDENTIAL Cereal Box vs. Frozen Food Box (CA) Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 3
CONFIDENTIAL Clear Glass vs. Blue Glass (SC) Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 4
CONFIDENTIAL State Comparison – Curbside Availability Aluminum Beverage Cans Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 5
CONFIDENTIAL #1 Plastic Bottle vs. #5 Plastic Bottle (MN) Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 6
CONFIDENTIAL HDPE Jugs vs. HDPE Rigids (NY) Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 7
CONFIDENTIAL HDPE Jugs vs. HDPE Motor Oil Bottles (FL) Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 8
Why are Recycling Rates so Low Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 9 CONSUMER TERMINDUSTRY TERMS Cereal Box = Paperboard Yogurt Tub = #5 Rigid Plastic Milk Carton = Gable-top Container Beer Bottle = Brown Glass Container Detergent Jug = #2 Plastic Jugs - Colored
Why are Recycling Rates so Low? Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 10 (63) MATERIALS ( 479) KEYWORDS
Recycling circa 1980-Present Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 11
Marketing to consumers thus far One brochure per year Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 12 “Please Recycle” on a few packages
Have we given up on consumers? Is it easier to change our entire country’s recycling infrastructure than consumer behavior? Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 13
Consumers are part of the solution At Earth911 we haven’t given up on consumers, in fact, we believe they are the solution. Ralph Nader dedicated his life to lobbying for airbags. He didn’t believe that people would ever adopt seat belts. Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 14 your car beeps at you, there are signs on the road, there are laws requiring it = multiple touch points
OMNIPRESENCE To sell a product, you need to be in front of a consumer at multiple touch points. To sell recycling, it needs to be in front on consumers at multiple touch points. Where are those … ? Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 15
SOLUTION! PRODUCT BASED SEARCH Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 16
Product Recycling Search – CPG Website Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 17
Product Recycling Search – Receipts Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 18
Product Recycling Search – Native Apps Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 19
Product Recycling Search – In Ads Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 20
Big Data Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 21
Don’t give up on consumers Before we give up on consumers, let’s engage them first! Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 22
Don’t give up on consumers Before we swap out our nations infrastructure, let’s get consumers to utilize it! Earth911, Inc. is an Infinity Resources Holdings Company 23