Netflix and Informational Science By: Casey Borchick December 2010
A Little History of Netflixs In 1997, Inc. is formed in California by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. The company begins offering DVD rentals and sales in The option for monthly subscriptions came about in 1999.
History Continued… 2001 was when the company goes public and changes its name to Netflix, Inc. By the end of 2002 Netflixs had over one million subscribers. In 2003 Netflix obtained a patent that covered many basic features of the company model. – the way customers set up their queue of movies and the technology that finds personalized movie suggestions based on customer ratings.
How Netflixs Works For $7.99 a month you can immediately watch TV shows and movies on your TV, computers, Xbox’s and other systems. The more well known version of this is when the DVD’s are sent via mail, this only costs two extra dollars. You can cancel your subscription for free.
The Selection of Movies and T.V. Shows New movies, classics, animated, black and white and any other type of movie you could think of, they have. Over a thousand T.V. shows to be watched at any point. There are many more DVD’s then there are movies/T.V. shows
Netflixs Vs. The Leading Competetor: Why It’s Better Netflixs has NO late fees or cancellation fees, while competetors like block buster would charge their customers obsene amounts for being late. There is a greater movie collection, therefore there is a greater chance of an odd movie being in Netflix, while competetors are constantly rotating their stock and only keeping the newest and most popular movies on their shelves.
How to Download a Movie Onto Your Computer The first step is to subscribe to the Netflix. Secondly, open up the program and make sure it will stream to the proper outlet. Whether that’s your computer or your TV. Check the specifications of your computer to ensure compatibility with Netflix. – Windows systems must have Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Vista or Windows 7, Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher or Firefox 2 or higher, 1.2 GHz processor and 512 MB RAM. Mac computers must have an Intel-based Mac with OS or later, Safari 3 or higher or Firefox 2 or higher and 1 GB RAM.
Downloading Netflixs Continued… Then go to the actual site and to watch a movie, you click the WATCH INSTANTLY button and you’ll be able to choose a movie. Now you are able to watch a movie. :] You can also add movies to your “Instant Queue,” which is like a favorites list. It is available whenever you want it from now on.
Databases in Netflixs The definition of a database is: – is a collection of data for one or more multiple uses. One way of classifying databases involves the type of content, for example: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, image.
Databases Continued…. Databases organize the movies and help the subscribers find the item the want much more easily. On netflixs, they organize the movies into genres, actors, and movie titles/T.V. show titles. Once you click on the grouping, you get a list that is more broken down and specific.
BIBLIOGRAPHY instant-play-movies.html instant-play-movies.html Inc-Company-History.html Inc-Company-History.html history.html history.html