Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., An Introduction to TComp n Albion Devices, Inc., is pleased to present the following slide presentation that introduces the functions of our TComp (“tee- comp”) snap gages and Digital Indicators. The unique, built-in temperature compensation capabilities of these units make them the most consistently accurate shop floor snap gages and indicators available. Albion Devices, Inc 742 Genevieve St. Solana Beach, CA This is a MS Powerpoint presentation. Please use mouse clicks, space bar or arrow keys to move between slides.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., TComp is unlike any other indicator. n TComp is a battery or mains powered indicator that is designed to fit on a custom snap gage frame or other gage fixture so as to take temperature compensated comparative measurements.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., n Mounted on a manually operated snap gage, TComp can produce accurate and repeatable measurements to within + / inch (5 microns) or better, over a temperature range of 40ºF to 140ºF (5ºC to 60ºC). Snap Gage configuration
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Fixture mounted applications n Mounted in a fixture or a stand, TComp is capable of accurate and repeatable measurements to within + / inch (2.5 microns) or better, over a temperature range of 40ºF to 140ºF (5ºC to 60ºC) on the shop floor. n Tcomp can also be mounted on a bar gage for critical large diameters.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Tcomp’s transducers n TComp indicator is equipped with a transducer assembly that contains 3 sensors: an LVDT, a workpiece/master temperature sensor (that senses through the carbide face of the measuring anvil) and a gage fixture temperature sensor (that monitors the temperature of the frame or fixture in which it is mounted). Workpiece sensor LVDT Gage senso r
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Controls n TComp is programmed and operated through a simple touch pad on the front panel. n An LCD displays data and measurements.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Transducers n LVDT probe and temperature sensors are mounted within the gage fixture so as to make suitable contact with respective components. n The “Gage” sensor monitors the temperature of the snap gage frame. The “Workpiece” sensor senses the temperature of the workpiece and the master.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Operation n In operation, TComp notes the temperature of the master during the mastering (zeroing) cycle, then switches automatically into Measure Mode. In this mode it assumes that it is measuring a workpiece and applies the respective correction coefficient. Meanwhile, the gage sensor applies yet another coefficient to any changes in gage fixture or frame temperature.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Compensation Algorithm n TComp’s programmed algorithm takes into account any variation in the temperatures of the workpiece, master or gage fixture from Nominal Temperature (usually 68°F/20°C). Workpiece Temperature Master Temperature Gage Temperature Workpiece Coefficient Master Coefficient Gage Coefficient Compensation Algorithm Temperature Corrected Dimension
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Algorithm (cont) n TComp applies these variations to user- programmable correction coefficients (expansion coefficients) and to the user programmable nominal dimension (since coefficients are expressed in terms of size variation (inch or MM) per degree of temperature (°F or °C) per unit of dimension (inch or MM)).
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Correction to 68°F/20°C n The net size variation after allowing for expansion or contraction in all 3 elements is applied in real time to dimensional measurements made by TComp’s LVDT. n The result is that all displayed dimensions show the size that the workpiece would measure if it, the master and the gage frame were all at Nominal Temperature (68°F/20°C).
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Stack gage n Dual TComps can be mounted into a specially designed bearing cup gage, called a “stack gage”. These are used extensively in the railroad industry.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Temperature sensing n The key to the success of TComp’s system is in accurate and rapid temperature sensing. n This is accomplished by using stable and accurate electronic chip and thermistor technology housed in protective housings within the gage.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., The Dramatic Potential n Temperature Compensation of precision gages provides dramatic improvement in: n Process control n Gage repeatability n Gage correlation n Scrap and rework reduction n Overall quality control
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Product Range n The remarkable thermal correction capabilities of TComp can be applied to many gaging situations. Be sure to ask us about our wide range of temperature compensated gages and systems.
Copyright Albion Devices, Inc., Thank you for viewing this demonstration. We hope that you found it useful and informative. Albion Devices, Inc. 742 Genevieve Street Solana Beach, CA Press Esc or click screen to Exit