mar, morph, rog, simil, turb
marsh area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide and is always waterlogged marine of the sea Other words: mariner, marina, mermaid sea, pool
amorphous without a clearly defined shape or form anthropomorphic having human characteristics Other words: geomorphic, metamorphosis form
prerogative a right granted or expected without having to ask derogatory lessening, belittling Other words: arrogant, interrogate ask
simulate imitate the appearance or character of assimilate to take in; absorb; adapt or adjust Other words: semblance, resemblance, assembly same, alike
turbid cloudy or thick with suspended matter turmoil a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty Other words: turbulent, disturb commotion, confusion
mar, mer sea, pool morph form rog ask sim, semble same, alike turb commotion, confusion Sources: Google images
“Under the Sea” is Sebastian’s shining moment in The Little ____________ (singular proper noun). Larry grabbed his neighbor’s hand during the ____________ (adjective) moment on the airplane; he then felt very awkward when the flight smoothed out. Making an object ____________ (adjective) could also be called personification. As the detective _______________ (past tense verb) Doug, he began to sweat bullets. Taylor Lautner is said to _____________ (present tense verb) an alpaca.