Урок в 7 классе За підручником О.Карпюк. Учитель англiйськоi мови Ерошкiна Н.I.
The aims of the lesson Introduction of extreme kinds of sport Learning new words and expressions To develop reading,speaking and listening skills Discussion of positive and negative factors of extreme sports Work in groups
What extreme sports do you know? Why do people do extreme sports? Can you understand risk-takers?
Vocabulary Skateboarding Ice climbing Whitewater rafting Zorbing Scuba diving Bunjee jumping Skydiving To protest against smth To acquire self-confidence To overcome difficulties To satisfy their curiosity Useless and silly For thrill and excitement
Why do people go in for risky sports? Why? To satisfy their curios ity For the thrill and excitement To acquire Self-confidence To be strong and brave To overcome difficulties To protest against something
Positive and negative factors of extreme sport is associated with injures. Is possibility to become famous. is bad / good for health. gives a chance to see the whole world. educates a strong will. helps overcome difficulties. gives a chance to find a lot of friends. helps earn a lot of money. is dangerous / exciting. It is like a drug. The more they do them the more they want to do it again; It is a possibility to show how strong and courageous they are. When I do it all my personal problems go away.
Language support As for me I am not a risk-taker I think that… To my mind … In my opinion … I agree … I can t agree …
- Can we consider these activities to be sports? - Which of them do you think is most enjoyable? - Which of them do you think is most difficult to learn? - Which of these sports are often shown on television? - Do you think any of these sports are suitable for women? - Which of these extreme sports would you most and least like to do? - What is the reason for the changing nature of modern sports?
Read through the statements and choose the right item. 1. People do extreme sports in order to feel a. excited b. nervous c. happy 2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last a. 5 years b. 10 years с 20 years 3. People usually bungee jump from a. aeroplanes b. high buildings c. bridges 4. In sky surfing people do mid-air a. gymnastics b. dancing с swimming 5. Snowboarding is a land alternative to a. skiing b. surfing с canoeing 6. For white-water rafting you need a. big river b. a warm river c. a mountain river
What kinds of sport are they? A. The sport is enjoyed by people of all ages and both sexes. Everybody who enjoys the water and can swim and have no health problems, can learn to do it. Your need is the desire, plus basic studying and in-water training. You need an apparatus which helps you breathe under the water.
B. This kind of sport is for people who like extra risk on the rivers. They use unsinkable boats for their trips down the rivers. The sport has become the modern day centerpiece for outdoor enthusiasts.
C. It is a land alternative to surfing. It was developed in California in the 1960th and became a craze in the 1970s. The sport is practiced on a board mounted on wheels. Since 1980s it has become an extreme sport rather than a hobby, because they practice ramp and rail.
D. It is jumping from a great height while attached to a long piece of elastic that it is short enough to prevent the jumper from hitting the ground.
E. People climb glaciers with ice axe and a great deal of other equipment. They must have physical and mental strength and the ability to work closely with other team members in the most dangerous situations.
F. It is jumping with a parachute out of an airplane for recreation or in competitions. Competitive events include jumping for style, landing with accuracy, and making free-fall formations.
G. It is the latest adventure experience from New Zealand. It involves rolling about in a ball, three meters in diameter. People hurtle downhill at speed of 50 kms per hour. The sport requires no more skill than a hamster running in its wheel as centrifugal force keeps the man pinned inside.
Summary - Is it good/bad to participate in extreme sports? - Do you agree that all of them are sports? - What attracts people to extreme sports? - Have you ever tried any unusual sports? - What qualities or strengths do people need to participate in extreme sports? - What is your opinion on taking risks?
Homework To retell about one of the extreme sports To learn new words.