One Man’s Trash: A Collection of Collections By Allie Carrino
Artistic Statement Throughout my life, I have always been a collector, a packrat, a hobbyist, a firm believer in the old saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. I’ve accumulated more knickknacks and trinkets than most people combined and, though people may shake their heads and ask “why?” I continue to house my tiny treasures. Like every human on this earth, each gadget has its own story, its own journey through life. Thus, every piece is unique and adds a little something to my ever- growing collection of novelties and bric-a-bracs. In my body of work, One Man’s Trash: A Collection of Collections, I want to capture my curios and the stories they possess. My collections are a part of me, a part of my life, and a part of my own story.
Gone But Not Forgotten Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
Goldie Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
A Similar View Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
I Spy Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
Blind Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
Around the World Copyright ©2006 Allie Carrino
Guardians Copyright ©2007 Allie Carrino
Veil Copyright ©2007 Allie Carrino
Biography Though I don’t consider myself to be a true artist just yet, I still uphold many artistic values. I believe it’s important to delve into all types of art forms and become educated in the many different media that are available to us. Because of this belief, I discovered the beauty of photography. Having worked with traditional media for many years, getting familiar with digital photography was a rather awkward endeavor. There were times where I failed, times where I succeeded, and times where I barely managed to make ends meet. Every experience, however, has taught me a little bit more about who I am as I journey down the road of becoming an artist. Through my mistakes, I’ve grown. Through my successes, my passion for art and photography has strengthened. Art isn’t, and never was, about doing things right the first time. It’s about the process and expedition to achieve the final outcome, whether it’s triumphant or not. I’ve made this process a part of my life and it will always make up who I am as a person.