THE GAMBIA PRESENTATION Lamin Jobaate (Executive Director WABSA )on behalf of The Gambian Delegates
WHAT MONITORING OF CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS IS HAPPENING ? Monitoring of Coastal Erosion Data collection on Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Currents Biological monitoring Monitoring of Wildlife species distributions (Sitatunga, West African Manatee. Green Turtles, Birds,Dolphins Whales & vegetations).
POLICY PROCESS On going updating existing NBSAP Updated National Wildlife Conservation Act Updated Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy New Programme Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE) National Environment Act 1994 and Relevant Regulations (GEAP – Gambia Environment Action Plan, EIA- Environment Impact Assessment) 2012 Updated National Forest Act National Disaster Management Act -2010
Which ones are Relevant All the policies are relevant due to incorporation of climate change issues
How could PARCC results be useful? Awareness campaign/sensitization Implementation of METT Consultants and experts for information gathering and sharing Provision of GIS map for PAs
What is the best way to engage? Involvement of all relevant stakeholder including satellite villages of PAs Institutional Capacity Building and networking
Can planned PARCC national workshop and land use planning be useful? Yes, it will raise awareness assist in updating Pas management plans Assist in land use management through demarcation,Zonation of PAs
Thank you Merci