USSGL: Closing 2014 and Looking Ahead at 2015 Presented by: Michele Crisman
Topics New Account for 2014 4th Quarter FY 2014 Proposed Changes to the USSGL Chart of Accounts The New Account for 2014 was on Ballot 13-01
2014 New Account Account Title: Appropriation To Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation - Transferred Account Number: 415500 Normal Balance: Debit Definition: The amount of liquidating appropriations received during the fiscal year to fund contract authority transferred from the parent Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) to its Allocation TAFS. The transfer is accomplished via SF1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization. Only the Department of Transportation may use this account. Although the normal balance for this account is debit, it is acceptable for this account to have a credit balance.
4th Quarter FY 2014
What Type of Reporter Am I? Am I submitting my ATB in FACTS II for 4th Qtr. 2014? Am I submitting my ATB in FACTS I for 4th Qtr. 2014 Am I submitting my ATB in GTAS for 4th Qtr. 2014
FACTS II FY 2014 (Year End) ATB of Budgetary and some Proprietary USSGL Accounts No changes for your cancellations and adjustments. Follow the cheat sheet on the USSGL Website for guidance
FACTS II FY 2014 (Year End) Typical 5th Year Cancellation: Use USSGL account 4350 The 2108 will process your cancellation in FACTS II/STAR Cancelling Early in a no-year or FY: Use USSGL account 4351 Request a Surplus Warrant Partial Cancellation in a no-year or FY: Use USSGL account 4351
FACTS II FY 2014 (Year End) Partial “Adjustment” to Indefinite Use USSGL account 4391 The 2108 will process your cancellation in FACTS II/STAR A FACTS II Reporter does not use ATM for their Cancellations/Adjustments
GTAS FY 2014 (Year End) Bulk File Upload of Proprietary and Budgetary USSGL Accounts You will use ATM for your Cancellations/Adjustments The USSGL Transactions (Debits/Credits) stay the same as in the past only the method of how the money is moved is different.
GTAS FY 2014 (Year End) Typical 5th Year Cancellation Use USSGL account 4350 Use ATM to cancel the money. Cancelling Early in a no-year or FY Use USSGL account 4351 Partial Cancellation in a no-year or FY Use USSGL account 4351
GTAS FY 2014 (Year End) Partial “Adjustment” to Indefinite Use USSGL account 4391 Use ATM to cancel the money. A GTAS Reporter does use ATM for their Cancellations/Adjustments
Cancellations TAFS Status 2009 Funds Expiring: 4th QTR 2009 Expired: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 1st-3rd QTR 2014 Cancelling: 4th QTR 2014 Cancelled: 1st QTR 2015 TAFS Status 2009 Funds
Cancellations Questions to ask: What type of Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) does this apply (General Fund, Special Fund)? What event is causing this situation (end of 5th year cancellation, partial cancellation)? What is the period of availability of the TAFS (fiscal year, no-year)? Is this TAFS flagged by Treasury as definite or indefinite? Where is canceled fund balance returned to? What Treasury mechanism is used to process cancellations?
Cancellation Example For a Expired TAFS, Definite, and end of 5th expired year cancellation. Debit 465000 Allotments – Expired Authority Credit 435000 Canceled Authority Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations – Adjustments Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Cancellations For more information go to: s/index.html
Year End Special Validations and Edits FACTS II has Edits – No Changes for FY2014 GTAS has Special Validations and Edits Two new Edits for Cancelation and Adjustments Edit 65 compares USSGL account 4350 to a BETC Edit 66 compares USSGL account 4391 to a BETC The cancelation must be processed in ATM before you will pass these edits.
FY 2014 Modifications to Current USSGL Accounts 109000 Fund Balance With Treasury Under a Continuing Resolution 132100 Unfunded FECA Benefit Contributions Receivable 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations 540500 Unfunded FECA Benefit Revenue 718100 Unrealized Gain – Exchange Stabilization Fund
FY 2015 Proposed USSGL Accounts 463500 Funds Not Available – Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund 577700 Authority Transfer Control In 577800 Authority Transfer Control Out 729200 Other Losses from Impairment of Assets
FY 2015 Modifications to USSGL Accounts 415500 Appropriation To Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation - Transferred