CES Reconciliation Refresher
The ADP Benefits Clearing account/ was created to relieve payroll liability accounts within the same accounting period as the payroll deductions being processed. The CES recon process debits the 226xxx/235xxx accounts and credits Since ADP impounds for benefit premiums in the next accounting period, a journal is manually created when the impound takes place to debit and credit the bank operating account.
CES Accounting There are instances where the CES plan and deduction code mapping are incomplete or Winflex is “out of sync” with benefits enrollment. When those instances exist mapping errors occur and require correction to allow completion of the CES Accounting Entry process. There are search windows which access information needed to correct mapping error rows. Open the appropriate search window, copy and paste your missing data into the mapping error fields, close the search window and save the panel. The Winflex search window shows the most current benefits enrollment for the employee. The View Plan search window shows the deduction codes related to the benefit plan. The Deduction Code search window shows a list of all deduction codes. The View JED search window shows the job earnings distribution code for the employee. To load your corrections go back to the create CES accounting lines process and make sure the “Process” field shows “Load Error Corrections”.
After the mapping errors are corrected and successfully loaded, run the Personal Services (PS) Detail (query to verify the data load. Check to see that payroll interface (PIEX) transactions, CES (EED – ERD) transactions and the credits to /Clearing account are included. The PS Detail Query may be run for a range of dates/accounts and may also be run using the “%” wildcard in the Account and EmplID fields.
After verifying that the data processed correctly run the Journal Generate CES Acctg process. This will “create” the journal to charge the 226xxx/235xxx liability accounts and credit /ADP Benefits Clearing account. Select the appropriate Accounting Definition Name and Template. The “From” and “To” date options are the last day of the month for the reconciling period.
Successful journal generation creates 1 journal. Go to the process monitor, select the journal generate process (FS_JGEN_BOR) click the Details link and click the “Message Log” to locate the journal number. (Journals may not be printed at this point.)
Navigate to the Create/Update Journal Entries located in the General Ledger/Journals/Journal entry menu and search using the CES journal number. Journal header status = blank and Source = PAY. The journal will have a generic long description which can not be changed. (However, using Adobe Pro, a text box may be added with a more specific description.) Using the Process link select the Submit Journal, then finally print the journal in the usual manor for journal entries.
Navigate to the Carrier Enrollment Accounting menu to run the CES Control Report query to support the CES Accounting Process journal. The control report provides a breakdown by account/plan of the CES Accounting process premium charges. This query also provides the total amount credited to the ADP Benefits Clearing account for active employees.
The CES Retiree Benefits Accounting process creates credits to the ADP Benefits Clearing/ account while charging for retirees, for Cobra participants and /Banner Clearing for those on Leave of Absence (LOA’s). The employer costs are charged directly to the expense accounts for each benefit plan.
Retiree Benefit Accounting Navigate to BOR Menus/BOR Payroll/Retiree Accounting/Retiree Benefit Accounting and run the Load and Validate Accounting process. Retiree mapping errors are common for new retirees where the earnings distribution code has changed in job data. Cobra mapping errors are where non-employees, who do not have an Emplid, have elected Cobra. There are search windows which access information needed to correct mapping error rows. Open the appropriate search window, copy and paste your missing data into the mapping error fields, close the search window and save the panel. The Winflex search window shows the most current benefits enrollment for the employee. The View Plan search window shows the deduction codes related to the benefit plan. The Deduction Code search window shows a list of all deduction codes. The View JED search window shows the job earnings distribution code for the employee. To load mapping error corrections go back to the Retiree Benefits Accounting panel and make sure the “Process” shows “Load Error Corrections” in the drop down box.
A successful load of retiree mapping errors creates the Banner/SLOA text file. This file contains premium charges for employees on leave of absence (LOA) and is loaded into Banner for billing purposes and for reconciliation of the Banner Clearing account and the /LOA receivable account.
Verify that the data loaded correctly from the CES Retiree Benefits process by running the Personal Services Detail query. Select account codes for LOA’s, Retirees and Cobra. Use the wildcard “%” to select all participants in the retiree process. To select all retiree Transaction Types use “R%”.
After verifying that the data processed correctly run the Journal Generate Retiree Benefits process. This will “create” the journal to charge the , and accounts and credits /ADP Benefits Clearing account. Make sure to select the appropriate accounting definition and template. The “From” and “To” date options are the last day of the month for the reconciling period.
Navigate to the Carrier Enrollment Accounting menu to run the CES Control Report query to support the Retiree Benefit Accounting Process journal. The control report provides a breakdown by account/plan of the Retiree Benefit Accounting premium charges. This query also provides the total amount credited to the ADP Benefits Clearing account for retirees, Cobra participants and those on Leave of Absence.
Run the Supplemental PDR process to record accounting lines for Retiree and Cobra premium payments. Make sure the account field is changed to /Supplemental PDR Clearing account and the process shows “Load and Validate Accounting”.
Supplemental PDR Processing There are instances where the CES plan and deduction code mapping is incomplete or Winflex is “out of sync” with benefits enrollment. When those instances exist mapping errors occur and require correction in order to complete the Supplemental PDR process. There are search windows which access information needed to correct mapping error rows. Open the appropriate search window, copy and paste your missing data into the mapping error fields, close the search window and save the panel. The Winflex search window shows the most current benefits enrollment for the employee. The View Plan search window shows the deduction codes related to the benefit plan. The Deduction Code search window shows a list of all deduction codes. The View JED search window shows the job earnings distribution code for the employee. To load your corrections go back to the Supplemental PDR process and verify that the “Process” field shows “Load Error Corrections”.
Verify that the data loaded correctly from the Supplemental PDR process by running the Personal Services Detail query. Select account codes – for Retirees and Cobra. Use the wildcard “%” to select all participants in the PDR process. To select all PDR Transaction Types use “S%”.
After verifying that the data processed correctly run the Journal Generate Supplemental PDR process. This will “create” the journal to credit the and receivable accounts and debit /PDR Clearing account. Make sure to select the appropriate accounting definition and template. The “From” and “To” date options are the last day of the month for the reconciling period.
Use the Create Payroll Recon Adjustment process to write off rounding differences in premiums vs payroll deductions. Institutions determine the offset account and account code, the “variance” amounts, recon option and payroll liability accounts for this write off process. Navigation: BOR Menus/BOR Payroll/Payroll Adjustments.
After the Create Adjustment runs to success go to the “Enter Payroll Adjustments” page to search for your adjustment. The adjustment will need to be validated and the “transaction ID” is needed to print the details of the adjustment to accompany the journal.
The adjustment detail shows all rounding cents write offs by employee and account. The status will show “edit required”. Select processing option “validate adjustment” to continue or “delete adjustment” if you do not wish to process this write off. Once validated, Save the adjustment to successfully load and create the adjustment accounting lines in pers_serv_bor for reporting.
Running the Load Payroll Adjustments to GL creates the accounting lines in pers_serv_bor and are used for reporting and reconciliation.
Journal Generate Adjustments after the “create adjustment” has successfully loaded. Make sure to select the appropriate accounting definition and template. The “From” and “To” date options are the first and last day of the month for the reconciling period.
Print Payroll Adjustments requires that all criteria fields be completed to obtain data. Download this data to use as supporting documentation for the journal.
Use the Enter Payroll Adjustments to correct any reconciling errors from the previous month’s data. Correcting entries are entered manually using Emplid and either Deduction Codes or Account Codes. If using a Deduction Code the appropriate Account Code will auto-populate, but may be changed if necessary. Saving the adjustment will generate a Transaction ID (needed to print adjustment detail). Validate the adjustment before saving.
After entering all adjustments run the Load Payroll Adjustments to GL process to create the accounting lines in the pers_serv_bor table. The load process will load all valid adjustments. After the load process runs to success, run the journal generate process. Use the last day of the reconciling month as your “To” and “From” dates. Journal generating adjustments will include all loaded adjustments. After the journal generate process runs to success, submit and print your journal via the “Create-Update Journal Entries panel. Print the payroll adjustments and download to use as supporting documentation for the journal.
After all CES adjustments have been processed run the Create CES Reporting Table process. The reporting table loads all payroll deductions, CES premium charges and any CES online adjustments made to a work table for reporting purposes. After a successful table load the CES Reconciliation Detail, CES Recon Errors Aug to May, 7/5ths Reconciliation Jan-Jul queries may be run.
CES Reconciliation Detail query provides the detail of the CES reporting table load in Excel format. The data is used to create pivot tables for reconciling payroll liability accounts each month.
Build Retiree Receivable Aging Data creates a work table containing CES premium charges and Supplemental PDR payments for Retirees and Cobra participants. Queries are run from this table to assist in reconciling /retiree receivable and /Cobra receivable accounts.
ADP Retiree Receivables Aging query provides outstanding balances in receivable accounts for Retirees and Cobra participants.
Open Coupon Query provides outstanding balances from ADP/Benedirect for Retirees and Cobra participants.