The Internet and virtual products provide immediate access to a Global market. Concept: Find a market where the best technology can be overlaid on to products that everyone is familiar and comfortable with.
To become a Member you must be introduced by an existing Member. You can then introduce others and build a team of members worldwide. Exclusive Online Gaming where Members can have FUN Making Money and Playing Games of Chance. You can WIN money and EARN money. Every time a Member in your team plays VG games, trades shares or purchases products you can receive Member Rewards (MR).
VG Global Virtual Stock Market A Virtual Stock Exchange where members can buy and sell VG Virtual Stocks. This is NOT a real stock market like the NASDAQ or the Dow Jones, it is a GAME, but the money is VERY real. Member demand drives VG stock prices. A patented process ensures ongoing demand for stock. A mini-economy of five major revenue streams continuously feed the stock price.
1. Global Online Lottery – Sweepstakes-8 Up to 30% of North Americans, Europeans & Asians participate in local lotteries on a regular basis. Imagine the magnitude of a GLOBAL Lottery where 26 members win every week. Five prize divisions for just 10 Swiss Francs per entry Brokerage Fee on Sale of Shares Every time a member sells shares a brokerage fee of 10% is charged. For example, the sale of a parcel of shares worth Sf 10,000 represents a brokerage fee of Sf 1,000 upon which you can earn Member Rewards.
3. Global Online Casino & Sports Wagering The ultimate in an online casino where members can play games like Keno, Black Jack, Poker, Roulette and Bingo, plus full Sports Book Wagering… all from their own home. Gaming is a $700 Billion industry in Europe, a Trillion dollar industry in North America and larger again in Asia. Whether your team members win or lose, you can still earn Member Rewards on all activities.
Members can purchase their own private offshore secure bank account to access their money 24 hours a day through debit card purchases and most ATM machines worldwide. 4. Offshore Bank Account with Debit Card Access 5. New Member’s Product Package Every time a new member joins your team and purchases a product package including a Website, Software, Sweepstakes 8 Entries etc you can earn Member Rewards.
Personal Password Protected Web Site Share Trading Software Full Access to Online Gaming Four Sweepstakes-8 Entries (1 entry per week in the Sweepstakes-8 for four weeks) SF Worth of Virtual Stock Online Personal Cash Accounts Real-Time Online Genealogy Corporate Member’s Package SF … including FREE Business Center
Players may upgrade to the Corporate Members Program for SF 295 Personal Web Site Share Trading Software Full Access to Online Gaming One Sweepstakes-8 Entry SF Credited to Casino Account Online Personal Cash Accounts Real-Time Online Genealogy Earn 25% of Normal Member Rewards SF … including FREE Business Center Player Member’s Package TO TRADE & PLAY GAMES
Sunday Saturday Friday Member Rewards - Units are accumulated and paid weekly Your income is electronically credited to your Online Personal Account. Funds can then be transferred online to any bank account worldwide or to your offshore Debit Card Account. 1 week BANK ACCOUNT DEBIT CARD 12:01am (Singapore) 11:59pm (Singapore) CHEQUE GAMES MEMBER’S ONLINE PERSONAL ACCOUNT
Income Distribution 70% of Member Rewards and 70% of Winnings are automatically credited to your online Member Account WINNINGS Sweepstakes 8 EARNINGS Member Rewards ONLINE VGG MEMBER A/C VGG STOCK A/C 70% 30% You have 7 days to purchase your stocks or the system will select and purchase them on your behalf 30% of Member Rewards and 30% of Winnings must be invested in VGG Stocks (applies to Player Members also)
VGG STOCKS BROKERAGE 10% sale of stock 50% 30% All Activities Feed Stock Demand (IP Australia Patent ) Escrow Rule: You may sell 50% of your stocks as you wish. The other 50% must be held in your Stock Portfolio for a minimum of 30 days. Stock prices can potentially grow in proportion to the exponential growth of VG Global as it experiences International momentum. INVESTORS WINNINGS Sweepstakes 8 EARNINGS Member Rewards 30%
Parent Company: Harroford Developments Limited Incorporated in British Virgin Islands Pharmaceuticals, Property Development Sapphire, Diamond & Gold Mining Interests Publicly Listed Toxic Waste Company Assets worth many Billions of Dollars Directors: Chairman - Greg Kennedy Auditors: Finscan Limited, Singapore
VIRTUAL GAMES GLOBAL Official Launch: April 2001 Operational Headquarters: Costa Rica Online Gaming Licence: Belize Auditors: Price Waterhouse Coopers Bankers: Hong Kong Shanghai Bank
Qualifying for Member Rewards FBecome a VGG Member (Corporate or Player) Remain Active with a Weekly Sweepstakes-8 entry ( If you have not entered the Sweepstakes-8 you do not lose your Membership Position OR any of the Units previously accumulated) FPersonally Introduce 2 Members* from your website (Corporate members must introduce 2 Corporate members to qualify for full Member Rewards) * A member must be placed on the Right and another on the Left of your Business Center
All additional members spill down the outside leg or where the Introducer requests they be placed. 4 4 There is NO limit to the number YOU can introduce Paid on activity to UNLIMITED DEPTH Introduce TWO Members and help them do the same.
FCorporate Member Package = 75 Player Member Package = 10 FEvery SF 100 of brokerage on VGG Stocks sold = 12.5 FEvery SF 10 Sweepstakes 8 Entry = 1 FEvery Offshore Bank Account with Debit Card = 35 Casino Games & Sports Book Wagering variable Every 300 Units Pays You a Maximum of SF To qualify for income you must have at least 1/3 of the 300 units on one side and the balance on the other side.
SF 50, When you earn SF 50, in one week in one center, you are gifted, FREE of charge, another center directly ABOVE the maximized center. Matching Bonuses are paid in addition to the SF 50, per Center 1 2 SF 50k Maximum Income per Week per Business Center
Introduce 4 Corporate Members and receive 10% of their MR income Introduce 8 Corporate Members and receive 20% of their MR income Introduce 12 Corporate Members and receive a further 10% of their personally introduced members’ MR income SF 10 stock investment per week to qualify for ALL Matching Bonuses. Matching Bonus on Income 20% of SF 10,000 income is SF 2,000 20% of SF 500 income is SF % of SF 2,000 income is SF % of SF 50,000 income is SF 10,000
Virtual Broker Matching Bonus Introduce 4 Corporate Members: receive 10% equivalent of their VGG Exchange stock purchases Introduce 8 Corporate Members: receive 20% equivalent of their VGG Exchange stock purchases Introduce 12 or more Corporate Members: receive 20% equivalent of their VGG Exchange stock purchases + receive 10% equivalent of the stock purchases from the Corporate Members they personally sponsor SF 600 stock purchase once only to qualify for Virtual Broker matching bonuses
Go to your Introducer’s website - click JOIN NOW, complete the online application and make payment. Help them do the same. Enjoy the Games & Enjoy the Rewards Select your Membership Package - Player SF 25, Corporate SF 295, Virtual Broker SF 895. Construct a List of everyone you know and share the VGG opportunity with them. Secure your Financial Future NOW