’ Welcome To ‘ Network Wealth in your Community’
Who are we? Our Community Network (OCN) manages the distribution of Food and Banking Products. Our Mission is to: Create business & employment opportunities for all’ Vision Create and unlock the financial freedom for people in debts and improve their finances. Network
Compliance! Network Our Community Network (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 2012/141929/07 Bank Card Issued by: Mercantile Bank Reg. 1965/006706/06 Botlhale Financial Services co-op 2008/000296/24 Mzansi Debt Counseling NCRDC231
Our Associates! NTA Network OCN Maize Meal
Products & Services Network Personal Accounts Maize Meal Business Investment Opportunities Funding for Community development projects Housing Finance Vehicle Finance Company Payroll Services Debt Counseling or Debt Review Services Network
Life’s Financial Challenges? Unemployment rates are high. ± 80% of South Africans are on ITC Many people are unemployed and cannot get jobs. Many cannot afford descent basic needs Out of five people only one is working Crime is on the rise Network
Housing & Property Network People in Our Communities do not have their own houses because they are unemployed. When you are unemployed you cant get a loan or a bond The OCN program will help you start your own business and make money. OCN can assist you to get property. Network
Why OCN Business ? Network OCN Maize Meal Business produces profitable results Our Maize Meal is locally produced The health standard is approved in SA Its easy to start this business with no experience or qualifications required. We create clients for you to service Guaranteed sustainability Network
Business Opportunities! Business Partner in Maize Supply Supply Schools Supply Crèches Supply Churches Feeding schemes Stokvels Hostels Undertakers Network Container Business Opportunities Guaranteed Clients Container Supplied free Level three stock free After joining you can buy your own stock Stock start at R25 000
Package Cost! Network OCN Membership fee is only R1500 once of from your pocket. The monthly fee of R200 will be deducted once a month from your commission. This fee will only be deducted from the money you get from OCN not from your bank account. There is no need to maintain from your pocket.
The Real Time Bonus! Network Your E-wallet Network When you join we will open two accounts for you, the E-wallet which you will access in your back office and the Diamond Cash Card for your cash payments. All your commissions are first sent and recorded to your E-Wallet before transferred to your Card. This is where your monthly fee is deducted not from your card. The first deduction will be on your second payment there after once a month.
Payment tool used by OCN Network Online Banking Mobile Banking No garnishee No Debit orders Transact International
Real Time Bonus! Network Placement of your Direct Referral in a 10x3 Forced Matrix YOU Your E-Wallet R500 R2000 R6 800 Network 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 For every person you introduce that joins, your card will be credited with your Real Time Bonus of R1000 to be paid once on Friday.
The Monthly Referral Commission! This income will be paid on monthly basis to member’s personal account. A member will earn R50 for 3 levels below on each member on your down line. This income will not be paid to newly joined members but to members that have people who paid their monthly fee. R200 split. The (MF) is deduced from OCN’s 3*10 Forced Matrix that forces members to have a maximum of 10 members on their first level. Level 2 to have 100 members; and the last level, level 3 with 1000 members Your downline is to be placed using the Top-to-bottom & Left-to-right concept and thus Spillovers applies. Network
Monthly Referral Commission YOU Network Level 1 = 5 Direct referrals will pay you R5000 once off Level 2 = 25 Active Account Holders will pay you R1250 pm Level 3 = 125 Active Account Holders will pay you R6250 pm
Monthly Referral Commission (MRC) Clubs Societies Stokvels Associations etc Groups . YOU Network Level 1 = 10 Direct referrals will pay you R10 000 once off Level 2 = 100 Active Account Holders will pay you R5000 pm (R50x100 ppl) Level 3 = 1000 Active Account Holders will pay you R50 000 x 2 months only Exit point . 500 x 10kg Bags of our Sekwanele Maize Meal Business Starter Pack for your maize business
How to achieve this ? Network Invite people to presentations Introduce 2 people daily Invite people to presentations YOU Network POWER OF DUPLICATION,GROW WITH YOUR TEAM Make sure your two people fully understand the program . Focus on the people who think like you do Growing your team is growing your income. Assist your down line. Your success is my success!
Leadership Clubs Network Leadership clubs form an easy way of getting members to join. It makes it easy to organize presentations. You don’t go around recruiting instead people will come to join your club. Mostly it will help you to reach your business goal quicker As a club there are many opportunities than when you work alone Network
Incentives ? Network First Incentive at Club 100 (Choose One) (Option Two) 50x10kg Sekwanele Maize Meal All incentives will be given to qualified members at leadership events such as mass presentations, launches, rallies, annual ceremonies.
Incentives ? Network Second Incentive at Club 300 (Choose One) (Option Two) 100x10kg Sekwanele Maize Meal All incentives will be given to qualified members at leadership events such as mass presentations, launches, rallies, annual ceremonies.
Business Opportunities! A chance to be our Business Partner in Maize Supply Supply Schools Supply Crèches Supply Churches Businesses Stokvels Hostels Undertakers Network Other Business Opportunities Making sports clothing General Service providers Feeding schemes Carpentry (furniture) Transport Services Warehousing
Pay Days ? Network OCN’s Pay-Day is every Friday where all Real Time Bonuses will be paid. Cut-off day is every Wednesday 12h00 for Friday payments. All monthly payments will paid every 15th day of the month and if pay day falls to a weekend then payments will processed on Friday before the weekend.
HOW TO BE ON THE PROGRAM? Network Deposit your joining fee of R1500 Bank Name: First National Bank Account Name: Our Community Network Account Number: 623 66511 866 Branch : Carlton Centre Branch Code: 250655 Reference: Name and Surname Network Fax Application Forms, ID Copy and Deposit slip to 086 224 9152
Client Services ? Network admin@ourcommunitynetwork.co.za Tel: 011 056 5252 072 211 5409 a/h Fax: 086 224 9152 E-mail : ourcommunitynetwork.info@gmail.com admin@ourcommunitynetwork.co.za Website: www.ocnfood.co.za www.ourcommunitynetwork.co.za Network
Your Business Card! Network Our code of conduct prohibits unauthorized usage of the OCN’s brand, logo etc without permission. For your convenience please place an order for professional company approved business brochures. Terms and Conditions When you reach R50 000 payment. The system will pay you for 2 months only, then auto delete you from the system. You will have to start all over and get a new sponsor number. No under 18’s allowed to participate in this network. No one is allowed to join twice, the system does not allow duplicates.
This is your KEY to Financial Independence Conclusions! This is your KEY to Financial Independence and Freedom JOIN US NOW! Network THANK YOU GOD BLESS YOU !