Taller de cuentos – workshop with short stories Documents AuthorWildisen Nicole, KMS Seetal, Baldegg, Luzern, Seetal Text comprehension, text reproduction, text analysis and illustration Individual (virtual) work with unknown partner in a foreign language Objectives Educanet2 (or any other student collaboration platform with document repository, web publishing tool, chat, messenger etc.), Hot Potatoes Software Description Spanish students of two Swiss colleges form tandems and learn from each other on the virtual platform Educanet2. Each tandem gets two short stories (for example from the book from Jorge Bucay: Déjame que te cuente). They have to resume these two short stories, analyze and illustrate one of them and publish them on the Educanet2 Webpage. The Highlight is a real meeting of the two colleges where they will get the golden pen (El bolígrafo de oro) for the best results. This project can be used with other foreign languages and/or other stories. Learning Areas Spanish Levels after 1.5 – 2 years of Spanishshort stories, teamwork, Spanish, foreign language, Educanet2 Keywords Project Overview
Taller de cuentos – workshop with short stories Teacher Planning and Management Click the documents below to help you understand the context of this exemplary learning project: Background & Planning: A picture of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed. Classroom Images: Images of the classroom to give you a better feeling for how the project was implemented. Documents
Taller de cuentos – workshop with short stories Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: under the following link all the information the students need to start this project is available: A list of the short stories 2.Las ranitas en la nata: grammar exercise with Hotpotatoes needed to repeat the important structures for writing summaries: Hotpotatoes Las Galletitas: short story we told the students at the physical meeting of the classes, with questions and template for the certificate. 4.Juan Sinpiernas: short story with questions for the exam at the end of the project. 5.List of useful vocabulary and grammar overview. Documents Hot Potatoes 1Hot Potatoes 2Hot Potatoes 3 List of short story vocabulary short story grammar overview short stories exam for interpretation las galletitas imperfecto/indefinido
Taller de cuentos – workshop with short stories Assessment and Standards Click the document below to see the assessment rubrics and standards covered in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: in this project the motivation for computer work gets netted with the motivation for Spanish. The students are interested in creating WebPages, and by doing that they work with the objective: they made creative activities in Spanish language. The result is a workshop with relish and furthermore with the special challenge because they also have to work in a team with an unknown partner. Evaluation: At the end of the of the project the students have to write an exam. They get another short story of Bucay where they have to write a summary and an analysis. National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Spanish curriculum context: this project includes all the four facilities which are important in the language acquisition. These are reading and comprehension of Spanish texts, writing summaries, commenting texts, exchange of opinion (written and oral), listening practice and further grammar repetition (past forms) and vocabulary exercise. ICT curriculum context: creating and publishing of own texts, application of the virtual platform Educanet2 with its advantages and disadvantages, creating own WebPages, handling with photos and pictures, application of online dictionaries. Documents Evaluation
Taller de cuentos – workshop with short stories Background Information KMS Seetal is an innovative High School in Baldegg, a village close to Lucerne. The KMS wants to be a human school characterized by expectations of effort, concentration and staying power. learning with relish and pleasure. contact to the nature. finding the sense. The students shall get the personal maturity they need for their studies at the university or another academy. They are prepared to meet the high expectation of our society. More information under the following homepage : This project is supported by: Microsoft Switzerland GmbH: good ctice: Schule im Netz: ibercultura Luzern: