Eggs & Plants By Darren White & Jerry Camacho
Can eggshells aid in the growth of plants? Notes that were researched about eggshells An egg’s outer shell is made up of vitamins including Calcium AND Vitamin D Calcium is especially important for fast growing plants because they quickly deplete the surrounding soil of calacium. Vitamin D + Calcium =
Hypothesis If eggshells are added to plant soil then it will grow faster + =
Materials 1.Eggshells from the same egg 2.Plant pot (2.) 3.Bag of soil 4.Pre-mature plant (same) (2) 5.Water
Procedure 1.Place plant in two separate pots 2.Add the soil to both pots 3.Add eggshells to the soil of one plant (this will be your experimental group) 4.Add the same amount of water to each plant once a day over a period of 10 days
Once the experiment was under way, the variables of the experiment were now used: Independent Variable: Eggshells Dependent Variable: Plant growth Control Group: Plant with no shells given to Experimental Group: Plants with eggshells added to its soil
Data After a total of 10 days, data was collected from both groups Number of days Average Plant Height (Plant without shells) Average Plant Height (Plant with shells) 12 in. 3 in in. 5 in. 36 in. 47 in.8 in. 510 in.11.5 in. 612 in. 13 in in.15.5 in. 815 in.16.5 in. 917 in.18 in in.21 in. *During the experiment, observations shown that the plant in the experimental group grew small white spots on the faces of its leaves*
Analysis Plant height With or Without Eggshells (X) (Y) With Eggshells= starting with Without Eggshells=starting with
Conclusion As a result, the hypothesis stating that adding eggshells to a plant will make it grow faster and taller was correct. Explained by the data chart everyday the plant in the experimental group either grew taller or stayed the same height as the control group, never below. In order to improve this experiment, I would used water boiled in eggs as a experimental group and boiled water as a control. I believe that if eggshells are used to grow plants or flowers they will grow both taller and faster. + = +
REFERENCE SHEET "Science of Eggs: Anatomy of an Egg." Exploratorium: the Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception. Web. 13 Oct "Eggshell." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 13 Oct "Do Plants Need Calcium like We Do." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 13 Oct