In the World!
Equitable Life Building New York City 130’ tall First building to use elevators Some argue this is NOT the first “skyscraper” because it did not use steel frame construction. Held record of tallest building for 14 years.
Home Insurance Building Chicago 138’ tall 8’ taller than Equitable Life Bldg. Many believe this is the very first skyscraper because it steel frame construction. Held the record for 6 years.
New York World Building New York 308’ tall 170’ taller than #2. Held the record for 4 years.
Manhattan Life Insurance Building New York 330’ tall 22’ taller than #2. Held the record for 1 year.
Milwaukee City Hall Milwaukee 354’ tall 24’ taller than #2. Held the record for 4 years.
Park Row Building New York 390’ tall 36’ taller than #2. Held the record for 2 years.
Philadelphia City Hall Philadelphia 548’ tall 158’ taller than #2. Held the record for 7 years.
Singer Building New York 612’ tall 64’ taller than #2. Held the record for 1 year.
Metropolitan Life Tower New York 700’ tall 88’ taller than #2. Held the record for 4 years.
Woolworth Building New York 791’ tall 91’ taller than #2. Held the record for 17 years.
Bank of Manhattan Trust Building 1930 New York 928’ tall 137’ taller than #2. Held the record for 1 month. Now owned by Donald Trump. Now called “The Trump Building” or “40 Wall Street”
Chrysler Building New York 1,050’ tall 122’ taller than #2. First skyscraper over 1,000’ Tallest in the world for 1 year.
Empire State Building New York 1,250’ tall 200’ taller than #2. Tallest in the world for 41 years.
Original World Trade Center New York 1,368’ tall 118’ taller than #2. Tallest in the world for 2 years. Destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001.
Sears Tower Chicago 1,450’ tall 82’ taller than #2. Tallest in the world for 24 years. Now known as the “Willis Tower” because the Willis Group is one of the main tenants.
Petronas Towers Kuala Lumpur 1,483’ tall 33’ taller than #2. Tallest in the world for 5 years. The first non-American skyscraper to hold the record of tallest in the world.
Taipei Taipei 1,671’ tall 188’ taller than #2. Tallest in the world for 7 years. The first Chinese skyscraper to hold the title. Said to look like stacked Chinese food boxes.
Burj Khalifa 2010-present Dubai 2,717’ tall 1,046’ taller than #2. Currently the tallest building in the world. The first UAE skyscraper to hold the title. Holds 17 world records.
The U.S. held the record for tallest building in the world 15 times! New York held the record more than any other city in the world, at 11! The New One World Trade Center is the 4 th tallest building in the world and stands at a respectable 1,776’ and is the only American skyscraper in the top ten. Also known as “The Freedom Tower”. America now has only seven (7) skyscrapers in the world’s tallest 50 buildings.
The Freedom Tower Is this the start of America’s return to skyscraper dominance?