Copyright © 2015 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized commercial reproduction of this slide is prohibited Supplemental PowerPoint Slides Lower Thoracic Pedicle Morphometry: Male, Taller, and Heavier Specimens Have Bigger Pedicles Charles C. Yu, BA, Roger T. Yuh, BS, Navkirat S. Bajwa, MD, Jason O. Toy, MD, Uri M. Ahn, MD, Nicholas U. Ahn, MD
Key Points From levels T7 to T12, both PH and PW generally increased in size. PW is the limiting factor in determining screw caliber selection due to its smaller size compared to PH. Sex, body height, and weight are three of the main factors that significantly contribute to the variation in lower thoracic pedicle dimensions of American population, with male, taller, and heavier individuals having larger pedicles. Age and race failed to consistently contribute to the differences in lower thoracic pedicle dimensions in a statistically significant manner.
Fig. 2 Lower thoracic pedicle height (PH) and pedicle width (PW). Values are mean ± SD.