HOW TALL ARE APRENDE 8 TH GRADERS? Algebra Statistics Project By, My Favorite Math Teacher In my project I took the heights of 25 Aprende 8 th graders. I was able to determine what the average height is and was able to see if there is a normal distribution with the data.
DOT PLOT Height in Centimeters
BOX PLOT Height in Centimeters Lowest Number: 1531 st Quartile: 162Median: rd Quartile: 173Highest Number: 184
NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS IQR: = 11cm Mean: =4,188 4,188 ÷ 25 = cm Median: 167 cm
STANDARD DEVIATION Height Height Sum of the squared deviations 1, The standard deviation for 8 th grade height at Aprende is 7.45 cm.
TWO-WAY FREQUENCY TABLE Totals Male Female Totals Totals Male0%20%28%4%52% Female12%24%12%0%48% Totals12%44%40%4%100% This data indicates that males are taller than females. 32% of the males are 170 cm or tall and only 12% of the females are 170 cm or taller.
SUMMARY Shape of data: The data displayed in the dot plot indicated that the data was bimodal. This means it had two peaks in the data or two modes. The data in both the box plot and the histogram were symmetric. This means that they data was smaller on the left and right and gradually rose to a peak in the center. The data was not skewed. Standard deviation: The standard deviation for this project was 7.45 centimeters. The mean was If I add 7.45 to and subtract 7.45 from , I would find the heights of 68% of the 8 th grade students in the project. This range is to cm. Ninety-five percent of the students in this project would be within in two standard deviations of the mean. This range is to cm. What I learned: I learned that the heights of the 8 th grade Aprende students in my project follow a normal distribution. This means that their heights follow a standard pattern. The mean and median were almost identical ( and 167). This indicates that the data is symmetric. If someone were to ask me what the average height of a random 8 th grader is, I would have a 68% chance of getting it right if I guessed somewhere in the range of 160 and 175 centimeters. All images in presentation are from