Quick Questions What do we remember about testable questions? What is a hypothesis? What do hypotheses have in common with testable questions? How do we write a hypothesis?
What is a testable question?
What is a testable question? A testable question is one that can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment.
What is a hypothesis? It is a statement - your belief about your testable question It is based on an educated guess It contains a prediction of a cause and effect relationship
HYPOTHESIS: A cause/effect statement which predicts the relationship. Generally, they take the form: If ____________ (a quick summary of what you are testing) Then __________ (what you think will happen) Because ________ (why you think that) Examples: If I increase the amount of time I study, my test score grades will increase because… If we increase the amount of sunlight a plant receives, it will grow taller because… If I play my iPod at a higher volume, the battery will die faster because…
What do all of these pictures have in common?
There is something missing…
What do all of these pictures have in common?
They are unclear.
What are the parts of a well-written hypothesis? In order for a hypothesis to be well-written, it must have 3 things: T estable: It must be based on a testable question Two VERY CLEAR, SPECIFIC V ARIABLES: (cause & effect) Two VERY CLEAR V ERBS next to those variables. T V V T Vs
Are these hypotheses well-written? Testable, Variables, Verbs Is there a cause and effect relationship? Are there verbs in both the If and Then statement? Do these statements have all 3 parts of a well-written hypothesis? If I increase the amount of time I study, my test score grades will increase. If we increase the amount of sunlight a plant receives, it will grow taller.” If I lower the volume on my iPod, the battery will last longer.
Vocabulary Evaluate: To judge the quality of something
So, what could be wrong with a hypothesis? Something could be missing. Or something could be unclear. Make sure your TVs are there! We need clear TVs!
What’s wrong here? Computers work faster when you have fewer programs working at the same time. If I change the amount of sit-ups I do, my heart rate will change.
What’s wrong here? If I change the amount of sit-ups I do, my heart rate will change. Unclear: Change how? Decrease the amount of sit- ups? Increase the amount of sit-ups? If I increase the amount of sit-ups I do, my heart rate will increase.
What’s wrong here? Computers work faster when you have fewer programs working at the same time. Missing something: This is not the proper format. The order of the cause and effect relationship is reversed. If you reduce the number of programs running at the same time, then the computer will work more quickly.