Dental cement dr shabeel pn
Topic General requirements for dental cements Classification of dental cements Component and properties Setting reaction Mixing process The uses of dental cements
Definition Dental cements : materials made from two components, powder and liquid, mixed together.
Powder + Liquid Pastelike or flowable material Hardens to a rigid solid
Uses of dental cements Luting agent Pulp protection or cavity sealer Temporary cement Permanent cement Pulp protection or cavity sealer Cavity varnish Liner Base
Uses of dental cement Filling Others Temporary filling Permanent filling Others Root canal sealer Calciumhydroxide cement Bite registration material
Luting agent Luting : the use of moldable substance to seal a space between two component. Most dental treatment necessitate attachment of prostheses to the teeth by means of luting agent.
General requirements for luting agents Biocompatibility Retention High tensile strength, fracture toughness, fatique strength Good marginal seal
General requirements for luting agents Low film thickness Ease of use Radiopacity Aesthetics
Film thickness The thickness of film between two flat surface The maximum allowable thickness is 25 µm (ADA specification No. 96) Low film thickness value is preferred
Cement base A thick layer of cement (>0.75mm) is applied under restoration to protect pulp against injuries. The base should be strong enough to resist the condensation force during the placement of restoration. Well insulation ability Good sealing
Classification of dental cements Conventional cement Zinc phosphate cement Zinc oxide-eugenol cement Polycarboxylate cement Glass ionomer cement Resin-base cement Resin cement Resin modified glass ionomer cement
Conventional cement Typically powder/liquid system Liquid is an acid Powder is a base ; insoluble in oral fluid When mixed together Acid-base reaction
Zinc Phosphate cement
Zinc phosphate cement Powder Liquid Zinc oxide Phosphoric acid Magnesium oxide Water Alumenium phosphate
ZnO HEAT Zn+ Zinc aluminophosphate gel
Unreacted ZnO Unreacted ZnO Unreacted ZnO Unreacted ZnO Zinc aluminophosphate matrix
Setting reaction Exothermic reaction Adding of water can accerlate the reaction. Loss of water can lengthen the setting reaction.
Working time and setting time Working time commonly is 3-6 minute Setting time is 2.5-8 minute(ADA specification No.96) Depending on the manufacturer instruction
How to extend the setting time ? Reducing powder/ liquid ratio {not recommended} Mixing on the cool glass slap {no moisture} Mixing over a large area. Mixing cements in increments.
Mixing procedure There are three steps: First : add the small amount of powder into the liquid To achieve the slow neutralization of the liquid. To control the reaction.
Mixing procedure Second : Larger amount of powder is added to liquid For further saturation of liquid to newly form zinc phosphate. This steps may not effect by heat released from the reaction. {because of the less amount of unreacted acid}
Mixing procedure Finally: the small amount of powder is added again To control the optimum consistency
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4 5 2 3 7 6 8 1
Characteristic properties Setting time at 37O 5 – 9 minutes Minimum compressive strength 75 MPa Maximum film thickness 25 µm (for luting the prostheses) Maximum Solubility 0.2% by weight ADA specification NO.8 for Zinc phosphate cement
Effects of manipulation on some properties. Manipulative variables Properties Copressive strength Film thickness Solubility Initial acidity Setting time Decreased powder/liquid ratio Increase rate of powder incorporation Increase mixing temperature Water contamination
Biocompatibility Acid can penetrate into the dentinal tubule irritate pulp pH of cement Liquid = 2.0 3 minutes after mixing = 4.2 1 hour = 6 48 hours = 7
Modified zinc phosphate cement Fluoride cement Add Stannous fluoride Higher solubility/ Lower strength Zinc silicophosphate Zinc phosphate + Silicate Higher strength/ lower solubility Fluoride released Translucency
Clinical applications Zinc phosphate cement Luting agent Base and temporary filling Modified zinc phosphate Luting prostheses Luting the orthodontics band
Zinc oxide-eugenol cements Lower strength than Zinc phosphate cement. Sedative effect Usually used as temporary filling
Zinc oxide-eugenol cement Simple ZOE Reinforced ZOE EBA cement
Compositions of simple ZOE Powder Zinc oxide Rosin : reduce the brittleness of the set cement Zinc stearate : plastcizer Zinc acetate : improve strength Liquid Eugenol and olive oil
Setting reaction First ZnO + Eugenol -- water Zn(OH)2 Second Zn(OH)2+2HE ZnE2+H2O
Setting reaction Water accelerates the reaction Zinc eugenolate is easily hydrolized by moisture
Manipulation Paste/paste Powder/liquid Mix two equal pastes together until it obtains the homogeneous color. Powder/liquid Usually 4/1 for maximum strength Mix the large increment, firstly Not require cool glass slap
Classification Type I Type II Type III Type IV Temporary luting cement Permanent cementation Type III Temporary restoration [for a few days] Type IV Cavity liner
Specification requirements Type Setting time [min] Compressive strength [MPa] Solubility [%] Film thickness [µm] Type I 4-10 35 maximum 2.5 25 Type II 1.5 Type III -
Reinforced ZOE Used as the intermediate restorative materials (IRMTM) Add 10-40% resin polymer in the powder for strengthening the set cement Compressive strength 35-55 MPa
EBA cement Powder Liquid Compressive strength 55-75 MPa Add 20-30% of aluminium oxide Liquid Add 50-60% ethoxybenzoic acid in eugenol Compressive strength 55-75 MPa
Clinical applications Base Temporary cementation Permanent cementation If cement contains eugenol, it is not to use with resin restorative material.
Zinc polycarboxylate cement Or called Zinc polyacrylate cement The first adhesive cement Bond to tooth structure and metal More biocompatibility than zinc phosphate cement Polyacrylic acid have more molecular weigth Moderate strength/ moderate solubility
Composition Powder [the same as zinc phosphate cement ] Liquid Zinc oxide Magnesium oxide Stannous fluoride Liquid Aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid Other carboxylic acid
Manipulation Mix first half of powder to liquid to obtain the maximum length of working time. The reaction is thixotropic The viscosity decreases when the shear rate increases
Setting reaction Like zinc phosphate cement Retarded by cool environment
Bonding to tooth structure The polyacrylic acid is believed to react with calcium ion via the carboxyl group. The adhesion depends on the unreacted carboxyl group.
Specification requirements Setting time at 37OC: 9 minutes Maximum film thickness: 25µm Minimum compressive strength: 50 MPa Maximum solubility: 0.2%
Applications Cement inlays or crowns Used as base Temporary filling Lute the stainless steel crown
Glass ionomer cement Or called Polyalkynoate cements Conventional glass ionomercement Resin-modified glass ionomer cement [RMGICs] Powder + Liquid/ Powder + water/ Encapsulated
Composition Powder Liquid Calcium aluminum fluorosilicate glass Polyacid Copolymer of polyacrylic / itaconic acid Copolymer of polyacrylic / maleic acid Add tartaric: accelerator
Setting reaction There are three stages: Dissolution Gelation Hardening. Water hardening or water setting
Dissolution Ca2+ Al3+ F- Polyacid liquid Glass core Silica gel Hydrogen ions Ca2+ Al3+ F- Silica gel Glass core
Gelation Polyacid liquid Cross-linked polyacid -COOH Ca2+ Al3+ F-
Gelation Calcium ions have more reactivity than aluminium ions. This is critical phase of contamination.
Hardening Polyacid liquid Cross-linked polyacid -COOH Al3+
Hardening Last as long as 7 days. The reaction of aluminium ions provides the final strength of set cement.
Glass core Cross-linked polyacid Silica gel
Properties Film thickness is similar or less than zinc phosphate cement. Setting time 6 to 8 minutes from start of mixing. Less pulpal irritation. Bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic. Prevent caries.
Strength The 24-hour compressive strength is greater than zinc phosphate cement. The compressive strength increase to 280MPa between 24 hours to 1 year after initial setting.
Bonding It can be chemically bonded to the tooth structure. The mechanism of bonding is the same as polyacrylate cement. The dentine bond strength may be lower than polyacrylate because of technique sensitivity.
Modified GI Cermet Resin-modified GI Combination of glass and metal No significantly improve the strength More wear resistance and short setting time Resin-modified GI
Resin-modified glass ionomer cement Add polymerizable function groups Both chemical & light curing Overcome moisture sensitive & low early strength Names: Ligth cured GICs, Dual-cured GICs, Tri-cured GICs, Hybrid ionomer, Compomers, Resin-ionomers
Setting reaction Polymerization Acid-base reaction initial setting Acid-base reaction maturing process & final strength Heat released from the polymerization reaction.
Properties Higher strength than conventional GI Higher adhesion to resin material Less water sensitivity Can be polished after curing
Relative properties of a glass ionomer and a resin-modified GI cements Property GIC RMGIC Working time 2 min 3 min 45 sec Setting time 4 min 20 sec Compressive strength 202 MPa 242 Mpa Tensile strength 16 Mpa 37 Mpa
Applications Type I : Luting agent Type II : Filling material Type III : Base and liner
Conventional GI for cementation
GI filling material
Adhesive resin cement Occur later from the direct filling resin Become popular because of the improved properties, high bond strength. Resin cement is flowable composite resin.
Composite resin cement Resin matrix + inorganic filler Silane coated
Composition Filler Matrix Silica Bis-GMA (polymer) The fillers binds with matrix by silane coupling agent
Setting reaction Polymerization Chemical activation Light activation Dual activation [chemical and light]
Preparations Powder / liquid Chemical, light, or dual cure 2 paste system [base / catalyst] Single paste Light cure
Bonding system Bond with the tooth surface by enamel an dentine bonding system. Bond with metal by using metal primer. Bond with ceramic restoration by treating the surface of porcelain with silane coupling agent
Properties Very good bond strength High compressive strength Water sensitive Might irritate pulpal tissues
Applications Tooth color filling materials Luting cements
Calcium hydroxide cement Used as base and liner High pH value Good biocompatibility
Composition 2 Pastes system Base Catalyst Salicylate reaction Calcium tungstate and barium sulfate radiopacity Catalyst Calcium hydroxide
Properties Lower compressive strength than others Resist to the condensation force of amalgam filling High pH 9.2-11.7 [Alkaline] Bactericidal High solubility
Properties Stimulate the secondary dentine formation in the area of thin dentine [<0.5mm] Stimulate the dentine formation in the exposed-pulp lesion [Direct pulp capping]
Comparable properties of cements
Compressive strength [MPa] Zhen Chun Li and Shane N. White, 1999
Bond strength Separation forces [MPa] Sule Ergin and Deniz Gemalmaz, 2002
Film thickness [µm] Shane N. White, Zhaokun Yu, 1992
Others Solubility Irritation to pulp tissues ZOE > Polycarboxylate > Zinc phosphate~GIC > Resin cement Irritation to pulp tissues Resin~Zinc phosphate > GIC > Polycarboxylate > ZOE~Calcium hydroxide
References Textbooks Kenneth J. Anusavice Phillips’ science of dental materials 11th edition W.B. Saunders company 2003
References Textbook Robert G. Craig Restorative dental materials 9th edition Mosby company 1993
References Textbook Richard van Noort Introduction to dental materials 2nd edition Mosby company 2002
References Journals Li ZC, White SN. Mechanical properties of dental luting cements. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81(5):597-609 White SN, Yu Z. Film thickness of new adhesive luting agents. J Prosthet Dent 1992;67(6):782-90 Ergin S, Gemalmaz D. Retentive properties of five luting cements on base and noble metal copings. J Prosthet Dent 2002;885:491-97