2013 Exploration & Production Standards Conference Subcommittee 10 June 25 & 26, 2013 Capitol Hyatt Regency Washington D.C.
IN MEMORIAM Richard Gandy Larry Moran Ragheb Dajani
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Agenda Tuesday, June 25 th, 2013 8:00 8:20Opening and Introductions 8:208:30API Updates 8:309:00TG on Cooperative Testing 9:00 10:00TG on Monogram Program 10:00 10:15BREAK 10:15 11:45WG on Foamed Cement 11:45 1:00LUNCH 1:00 2:00WG on Test Methods for Determination of Dynamic Settling 2:00 2:45WG on Fluid Loss Screens 2:45 3:00BREAK 3:004:00WG on HTHP Rheology 4:005:00WG on Evaluation of NAF Removal of Water Wetting by Spacers
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Agenda Wednesday, June 26 th, 2013 8:00 10:00WG on Performance Testing of Well Cementing Composites 10:00 10:15BREAK 10:15 11:15 WG on API 10F Revision 11:15 12:15TG on Mechanical Behavior of Cement 12:15 1:30 LUNCH 1:30 3:30 SC 10 General Meeting
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting API Service Recognition 25 Years Robert Carpenter – Chevron ETC Nevio Maroni – ENI-AGIP 20 Years James Brennan – Tucker Energy Services
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting API Citations for Service Bill Carruthers Bernard Fraboulet
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting SC-10 General Meeting Agenda: Reading & Approval of Minutes from New Orleans Reports of the Task/Work Groups Old Business New Business Adjourn
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting Minutes from New Orleans
Motion to Accept the Minutes? Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting
Reports of the Task/Work Groups
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting Reports of the Task/Work Groups: – TG on Cooperative Testing – B. Carruthers – TG on API Monogram Program – B. Carruthers – WG on Foamed Cement – E. Cunningham – WG on Test Methods for the Determination of Dynamic Settling – R. Beirute – WG of Fluid Loss Screens – S. Jennings – WG on HTHP Rheology – D. Williams – WG on Determination of NAF Removal & Water Wetting by Spacers – D Williams – WG on Performance Testing Well Cementing Composites - B. Carruthers / H Plack – WG on API 10F Revision – G. Benge – TG on Mechanical Behavior of Cement – R. Darbe Motion to Accept Reports
Subcommittee on Well Cements (SC10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting Old Business
Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting Publication of API RP 10B-2 “Testing Well Cements” Publication of RP 10B-2, 2 nd Edition April All future comments will be logged and considered for future revisions. Future revisions may include “Stirred Fluid Loss Testing” and “Consistometer Oil Specification” Rewrite of API RP 10B-3 “Deepwater Cementing” Dan Mueller is leading WG to prepare the 2 nd Edition. 1 st Draft distributed in May for pre ballot comment.
Rewrite of API RP 10B-4 “ Recommended Practice on Preparation and Testing of Foamed Cement Slurries at Atmospheric Pressure”, 1st Edition. Under the direction of Erick Cunningham, the WG will develop new test methods to serve as a basis for a 2 nd Edition of API RP-10B-4 Rewrite of API RP ” 10F “Performance Testing of Cementing Float Equipment Under the direction Glen Benge, the TG will publish API Specification 10F, 1st Edition which will replace and make obsolete API RP 10F, 4th Edition. This document will include required specifications and the associated performance testing protocols for the manufacturing of Cement Float Equipment. Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting
TR on “Mechanical Cementing Plugs used in Tubing, Casing and Drill Pipe” Hank Rogers has resolved all Ballot comments and all editorial changes have been made. TR will be forwarded to Publications Committee June WG on “Static Gel Strength Testing” Ramy Eid will Chair this WG formed in January This work may lead to the re-write of RP 10B-6,“Recommended Practice on Determining the Static Gel Strength of Cement Formulations,” 1 st Edition
API Spec 10D “Bow Spring Casing Centralizers” is up for reaffirmation. Process to start in August API RP 10F “Performance Testing of Cementing Float Equipment” is up for Re-Affirmation. Process to start in August Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting
New Business
Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting New Business: Alberto Sanchez, “Discussion on Stage Tools” John Hebert, “Discussion on API Spec 10D”
Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday June 26, 2013: General Meeting Future Meetings: E&P Winter Standards Conference: Jan.20-24, Addison, E&P Standards Conference: June 16-20, Chicago, Ill E&P Winter Standards Conference: Jan.20-24, New Orleans E&P Standards Conference: June 22-26, San Francisco
Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday January 23, 2013: General Meeting Any Other New Business?
Subcommittee on Oil Well Cements (SC-10) Wednesday January 23, 2013: General Meeting Motion to Adjourn
2013 Exploration & Production Standards Conference Subcommittee 10 January 22-24, 2013 Intercontinental Hotel New Orleans, LA