Clinical appearance of G-I 6조 이재용, 이호정, 인경진 임강순, 임흥식, 조용현
Indication for use n Type Ⅰ –luting cement n Type Ⅱ –restorative meterials n Type Ⅲ –fast-setting lining materials and fissure sealants
Restorative materials n Restoration of erosion/abrasion lesions without cavity preparation n sealing and filling of occlusal pits and fissure n restoration of deciduous teeth n restoration of class Ⅴ carious lesions n restoration of class Ⅲ carious lesions, preferably using a lingual approach
n Repair of defective margins in restorations n Minimal cavity preparations n core buildup n provisional restorations n sealing of root surfaces for overdentures
Fast-setting lining cement and bases n Lining of all types of cavities where a biological seal and cariostatic action are required n replacement of carious dentine for the attachment of composite resins using the acid-etch technique n sealing and filling of occlusal fissures showing early signs of caries
Luting cements n High caries incidence –fluoride release n porcelain margin –translucency (cosmetic)
Contraindication for use n Class Ⅳ carious lesions or fractured incisors n lesions involving large areas of labial enamel where aesthetics is of major importance n class Ⅱ carious lesions n lost cusp areas
Laminate veneer n Ideal preparation for a porcelain laminate n G-I cement 적용
Class Ⅴ restoration n Glass-ionomer cement/composite resin laminate 사용
Class Ⅲ restoration n Glass-ionomer cement/composite resin laminate 사용
G-I cement fissure sealant tech. n Isolate 와 25% polyacrylic acid 도포 n clean off debris and polyacrylic acid n ideal 하게 mixing n explorer 의 tip 으로 small bead 를 찍어 fissure 에 적용
n Application 후 즉시 thin sheet of wax 로 덮는다. n Setting 후 wax 제거. n Varnish 를 도포한 후 excessive cement 제거 n another light-cured resin 도포
Treatment of fissure caries n Fissure widening
n Carious lesion 이 있으면 제거 n cement inject n Burler’s dry foil n Excess 제거 n silver-cermet cement 사용 ( 넓은 caries 의 경우 )
Class Ⅴ G-I cement restoration n Saliva control n tooth prep. n Lining n shade selection n the matrix, insertion of the cement
n Removing matrix and protecting cement n finishing
Class Ⅲ G-I restoration n G-I cement 를 와동에 채우고 matrix strip 을 적합 시킨 후 burnish 하여 excessive cement 제거
Clinical procedures for G-I luting cement
Dispensing and mixing n powder/liquid ratio : 3.5g/mL n 처음에 mix 가 너무 묽다고 powder 를 첨가하면 안됨 –mix 를 하다 보면 thicken & creamy 해짐 n viscosity 는 spatulation 에 의존
Cementation n Dentin 의 표면을 25% tannic acid 로 30 초간 적 용 n air/water spray 로 lightly dry –overdrying 은 po-sensitivity n small, stiff brush 로 cement 적용
n Ball-ended burnisher 로 restoration 을 치아에 장착 n seating 후 즉시 gingival amrgin 을 soft wax 로 cover –setting 동안에 cement 의 gingival seepage 와 타액의 접촉을 막기 위함
n 5 분 후에 setting 완료 n setting 후 여분의 cement 를 제거
Restoration of Primary Teeth
n Class Ⅰ and Ⅱ restoration in primary molar n restoration of lingual surface of primary M. incisor n restoration of distal surface of primary canine teeth n base n repair of stainless steel crown n class Ⅴ restoration
n Final restoration of primary molar or canine teeth after a pulpotomy n replacement of amalgam n bonded interior restorations awaiting results of direct or indirect calcium hydroxide capping of primary or permanent molar
Designs of Microcavities for Approximal Lesions
n Occlusal approach –approximal class Ⅱ cavity –approximal class Ⅱ microcavity –tunnel or internal fossa cavity n Approximal approach –approximal microcavity –buccolingual approximal cavity
참고문헌 n Glass-Ionomer cement, Alan D. Wilson/John W. McLean Alan D. Wilson/John W. McLean 1988, Quintessence Publishing Co. 1988, Quintessence Publishing Co. n An Atlas of Glass-Ionomer cement Graham J. Mount Graham J. Mount 1994, Martin Dunitz 1994, Martin Dunitz