Corporate Social Responsibility
2 100 Accident-Free Days at Roanoke Cement A scrap yard becomes an apple orchard on the campus of Roanoke Cement Many Titan Employees support Relay for Life every year
Something’s fishy in Roanoke Titan executives released 350 rainbow trout into a former quarry at the Roanoke Cement plant. The event was a part of the Trout in the Classroom project held in conjunction with a local school. 3
Trikes for Tikes. As a teambuilding effort, Titan executives built 20 new tricycles which were then donated to ForKids, Inc. a Norfolk agency that finds shelter for homeless children and their families. 4
TVRM employee and breast cancer survivor, Cheri Strain, spearheaded an effort to paint a mixer truck to honor Breast Cancer Awareness. Paint and labor were donated by a local supplier. “Pinky” is a popular participant in many local festival, events and parades. 5
2009 NRMCA Driver of the Year – David “Pee Wee” Brooks The award acknowledges the significant contribution ready-mix concrete truck drivers make to the growth and success of individual companies and the concrete industry at large. Judges review and grade applicants based on years of service to their company and the industry, driving record, yardage hauled and any certifications and other special recognitions they have received. The judges also weigh their decisions heavily on supervisors' comments and customer testimonial letters. 6
Employees credit Titan America’s Safety Department for the CPR and first aid training that has enabled them to save several lives. 7
Gopher Tortoise Rescue Center Sand’s Brian Bleakney relocated more than 60 gopher tortoises who had made their home burrowing in the mines at Center Sand. Titan employees set up a habitat for the tortoises located a safe distance away from mining. As a reward for this effort, Titan America won a First Place “Pride of Mine” Award from the Florida Limestone and Aggregates Industry (FLAI). 8
R.A.L.F. the Robot R.A.L.F. is on the staff of Separation Technology. He entertains while he educates our future stewards of the environment about recycling, conservation and the many ways we can all “think green” to protect our planet. 9
2009 Face of America Titan employee Michael Sullivan rode in a two day, 100 mile ride to benefit the 2009 Face of America, sponsored by World T.E.A.M. Sports, a non-profit organization whose mission is to actively include service members who have been severely injured in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The acronym T.E.A.M. stands for The Exceptional Athlete Matters. Michael’s team raised more than $11,000 for the cause. 10
Corporate Center employees collect food and money to donate to ForKids, Inc. so that homeless families in Norfolk can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner each year. 11
Tarmac and Titan frequently supply concrete or block to assist the communities in which we work, play and live our lives. 12
Florida B.U. President Hardy Johnson reads to a group of Florida children who will benefit from Titan’s generous contribution to Step up for Students. 13