Construction Materials Unit 9
Unit 9 Construction Materials page 93 Learning Objectives Identify the basic components of concrete Explain different types of masonry brick, block, and mortar Classify wood as hardwood or softwood
Unit 9 Construction Materials page 93 Unit 9 Construction Materials Learning Objectives continued Recognize different structural steel shapes Describe various types of glass, plastic, and insulation Identify symbols representing materials on a drawing
Concrete one of the oldest building materials Unit 9 page 93 Concrete one of the oldest building materials used by the Romans - 100 B.C. cement, aggregates, & water
Concrete when first mixed it is plastic Unit 9 page 93 when first mixed it is plastic hardening caused by chemical reaction between the cement when water is added set in 2 - 12 hours held in place by forms
Types of Cement Portland cement Low heat of hydration Unit 9 page 93 Types of Cement Portland cement white colored Low heat of hydration High early strength
CEMENT TYPES ASTM C 150 TYPE I normal cement TYPE II TYPE III TYPE IV TYPE V normal cement moderate sulfate resistance high early strength low heat of hydration high sulfate resistance
CONCRETE Proportions Mixture 10% 5% 15% 25% 45% CEMENT ENTRAINED + ENTRAINED 10% 5% WATER 15% Mixture Proportions 25% FINE AGGREGATE (SAND) 45% COARSE AGGREGATE
Concrete Mixes produced to meet a desired result mixed by volume with enough water to make the concrete flow into the forms too much water will reduce the strength of the concrete water / cement - w/c ratio
Unit 9 page 94 Reinforced Concrete concrete is great in compressive strength but very poor in tensile strength reinforcing steel overcomes the weak tensile strength bars with deformation bars are placed prior to the concrete being placed
Reinforced Concrete
Concrete Construction Unit 9 pages 94-95 Concrete Construction Precast - cast at factory Cast-in-Place - cast at job site Prestressed Pretensioned - prior to placing concrete Posttensioned - after placing concrete
Masonry building modular units brick tile glass gypsum page 95 Masonry building modular units brick tile glass gypsum stone - not always modular
Stone Masonry granite limestone marble sandstone fieldstone slate Unit 9 page 96 granite limestone marble sandstone fieldstone slate cut stone - removed from quarry
Brick Masonry adobe kiln-burned sand-lime concrete building brick Unit 9 page 96 adobe kiln-burned sand-lime concrete building brick face brick glazed brick fire brick paving brick
Mortar Type M Type S Type N Type O Type K Unit 9 page 96 Type M high compressive good durability Type S high strength, strong bond Type N medium strength, general use Type O low strength, interior use Type K very low strength, interior use
Structural Clay Tile open cell various sizes & shapes load-bearing Unit 9 page 97 Structural Clay Tile open cell various sizes & shapes load-bearing backup for curtain walls fireproofing around structural steel
CMU Concrete Masonry Units page 97 CMU Concrete Masonry Units widely used in building construction made of cement, sand, gravel expanded shale, & pumice various size & shapes 7 5/8”x7 5/8”x15 5/8” actual size add 3/8” mortar joint 8”x8”x16”
Unit 9 page 97 Gypsum Blocks made of gypsum & a binder of vegetable fiber or wood chips interior nonbearing walls fire-resistant partitions face size of 12” x 30” & come in thickness of 2”, 3”, 4”, & 6”
Gypsum Wall Board & Plaster Unit 9 pages 97-98 Gypsum Wall Board & Plaster made of air-entrained gypsum between two layers of treated paper typical size 4’ x 8’ sheets
Wood Products chief building material used today wood classifications Unit 9 page 98 Wood Products chief building material used today wood classifications hardwoods softwoods
Hardwoods ash ash-white beech birch cherry elm gum hickory mahogany Unit 9 page 98 Hardwoods ash ash-white beech birch cherry elm gum hickory mahogany maple oak walnut
Softwoods cypress fir, douglas fir, white hemlock pine, ponderosa Unit 9 page 98 Softwoods cypress fir, douglas fir, white hemlock pine, ponderosa pine, southern pine, white poplar, yellow red cedar, eastern red cedar, western redwood spruce
Lumber lumber is classified rough-sawn or surfaced to be sized Unit 9 page 98 lumber is classified rough-sawn or surfaced to be sized rough-sawn has been cut to rough size but not dressed or surfaced
Lumber continued Unit 9 page 98 lumber is classified rough-sawn or surfaced to be sized surfaced lumber has been dressed or finished to size by running through a planer S2S, S4S refers to number of sides finished
Plywood made of several layers with grain @ right angles on each layer Unit 9 page 98 Plywood made of several layers with grain @ right angles on each layer odd number are glued to make faces run in same direction panels are finished to 1/8” to over 1” in thickness typically 4’ x 8’ panels
Plywood interior plywood exterior plywood water-resistant glue Unit 9 page 98 Plywood interior plywood water-resistant glue cabinets, interior flooring exterior plywood waterproof glue exterior wall sheathing roof sheathing concrete forms
Glue-Laminated Timber Unit 9 page 98 Glue-Laminated Timber bonding layers of lumber with adhesives wood beams arches many sizes prefabricated at factory
Glue-Laminated Timber Unit 9 page 98 Figure 9 - 6
Metal Products used extensively in construction structural steel Unit 9 page 99 Metal Products used extensively in construction structural steel metal windows doors metal studs look around
Unit 9 page 99 Structural Steel is a term applied to hot-rolled steel sections, shapes, & plates formed by hot steel strips (billets, blooms, &/or slabs) run through succession of rollers, gradually forming the shape see Figure 9-7 available in many sizes & shapes
Structural Steel typical designations for wide flange W12x16 - indicates a beam 12” deep that weighs 16#/LF for angles L3x3x1/2 - indicates both legs 3” by 1/2” thick
indicated by heavy line Structural Steel W8x24 indicated by heavy line
Unit 9 page 100 Figure 9 - 8 Structural Steel
Unit 9 page 100 Figure 9 - 8 Structural Steel
Welded Wire Fabric indicated by WWF Unit 9 pages 99-101 Welded Wire Fabric indicated by WWF prefabricated material used mostly in concrete slabs, floors, & pipe consists of a mesh steel wires welded together smooth ‘W’ or deformed ‘D’
Welded Wire Fabric 6x6 = wire spacing W = smooth wire Unit 9 pages 99-101 Welded Wire Fabric designation numbers 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 6x6 = wire spacing W = smooth wire 1.4 = gage of wire
Welded Wire Fabric Unit 9 page 102 Figure 9 - 12
Unit 9 page 102 Figure 9 - 11 Welded Wire Fabric
Welded Wire Fabric slab chairs slab section
Glass ceramic material formed at temperatures above 2300ºF Unit 9 pages 101-103 Glass ceramic material formed at temperatures above 2300ºF made from sand (silica) soda (sodium oxide) and lime (calcium oxide)
Unit 9 pages 101-103 Glass float glass continuous ribbon of molten glass flows out of furnace and floats on a bath of molten tin fire polished & annealed 90% of the glass is float
Glass sheet glass - window glass plate glass - heat treated & polished Unit 9 pages 101-103 Glass sheet glass - window glass SS - single strength 3/32” or 1/8” DS - double strength 3/16” - 7/16” plate glass - heat treated & polished bent glass - heated and pressed over a form
Glass Unit 9 page 102 safety glass tempered glass - heat annealed glass to near melting point & then chill rapidly … creating high compression on the exterior surface & high tension internally shatters into small pieces can not be cut, drilled, or ground
Unit 9 pages 102-103 Glass safety glass laminated glass - consist of layers of vinyl between sheets of glass. . .bonded by heat & pressure the glass when struck & broken is held together by the plastic
Glass safety glass wire glass - wire mesh molded into the center Unit 9 page 103 safety glass wire glass - wire mesh molded into the center when broken the wire holds the glass together can be obtained with etched finish, sandblasted, or patterned
Unit 9 page 103 Glass insulated glass - glass separated by an air space that is dehydrated & sealed. good insulators against heat or cold
Unit 9 page 103 Glass patterned glass - sheet glass with pattern rolled into one or both sides used to diffuse light or provide privacy
Glass stained glass - sometimes called art or cathedral glass Unit 9 page 103 Glass stained glass - sometimes called art or cathedral glass produced by adding metallic oxides to the glass while in its molten state cut to design & leaded together to create stained glass windows
Ceramic Tile ceramic tile - used on floors & walls Unit 9 page 103 Ceramic Tile ceramic tile - used on floors & walls glazed or unglazed mosaic tile - used to make design & patterns quarry tile - wear resistant fired-clay tile - used for floor coverings
Ceramic Tile tiles are set in portland cement latex adhesives Unit 9 page 103 Ceramic Tile tiles are set in portland cement latex adhesives epoxy mortar joints between tiles grouted with mortar may vary in color
Plastics have many uses counter tops door veneer texture on surfaces Unit 9 page 103 Plastics have many uses counter tops door veneer texture on surfaces gutters pipes
Insulation used to reduce heat transmission R-value flexible Unit 9 pages 103 - 104 used to reduce heat transmission R-value resistance to heat transfer flexible loose-fill reflective rigid structural nonstructural
Insulation Unit 9 pages 103 - 104
Unit 9 page 105 Figure 9 - 15 Material Symbols
Unit 9 page 105 Figure 9 - 15 Material Symbols
Test Your Knowledge take 10 minutes to complete the test on page 106 END OF UNIT 9