Installing Cable Floor Heating Systems This presentation will give you a practical idea of how to install a floor heating system.
After you bought the materials that you need it is time to prepare the room for installation. First you need to decide whether you need insulation. It is not necessary if the existing floor is wooden /plywood/, if the area underneath is heated, if it is a ground floor, if the floor heating is for comfort only or if the climate is warm.
In all the other cases it is recommended to use insulation. Here is the perfectly done floor heating insulation.
It is done with a thin metal net and a cement layer on top of it.
The prepared room with or without insulation is cleaned, measured carefully once again and the spacing is calculated using the calculator at our website.
For checking the spacing between the cables you can use the Spacing calculator at our website.
First we draw the room - it is explained in details in the installation guide.After that we hammer the nails.
Drill holes first in case the floor is tough.
The other option - without nails - is to place a thin plastic net which is nailed or glued to the floor.
The cable is attached to the net with cable ties. The drawing is the same as before.
If you want a easier way for installation you can also use our fixing tape. At this photo you can see the floor sensor placement /the black wire/.
The cable shall be set consecutively on the floor without stretching it too much. Unroll the cable while putting it to avoid knots.
Placement of muffs and a floor sensor with a different number of cables.
It is mandatory for the muffs to remain in the floor. Only the cold ends of the heating cables and the ends of the floor sensor shall come out of the cement layer.
Complete the whole area in this way using one or several cables.
In the same way you may use the heating mats. This heating mat represents a heating cable arranged on a plastic net /standard size or custom size/.
The direction can be changed by cutting the mesh but never the cable.
Here you can see how to achieve it.
Bring the cold ends and the floor sensor ends up to the thermostat boxes.
Usually these wires are embedded in the wall near the thermostat mounting box.
Glue the tiles or the marble.
There are two ways:
1st way: Do a thin cement layer to cover the cables. After it dries glue the tiles with cement glue only. It is easier to work like that.
2nd way: The tiles shall be glued on top of the heating cables directly. Do this carefully to avoid damaging the cables.
Anyway the cables must be well stuffed in cement without any air around it. This is the most important requirement for a long life of the system.
Do not use the heating system for 2 weeks until the cement is completely dry.
Dear customers, we hope that this short presentation is useful for you. You can find detailed information at our website Our first installations are working without failures since Follow all the requirements during installation and your heating will be flawless.