ENERGY USAGE OF THE CEMENT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Industry consume 30 – 70% of total energy Malaysia & Iran: 12 – 15% of industrial energy used for cement manufacturing Energy source: 75% Fossil fuel, 25% Electrical
ELECTRICAL ENERGY USAGE OF CEMENT PLANTS Typical 110 – 120 kWh per ton of cement produced
ENERGY SAVINGS – PREVIOUS STUDIES No comprehensive review on energy usage & savings up to 2012 Recent studies estimate: Grinding energy can be reduced with 10 – 20% by increasing mill efficiency & schedules. Waste heat from pyro processing can be used to increase efficiency with %.
ENERGY SAVINGS – CRUSHING PLANTS Why? Global cement production of 3.5 Gtons (2011) translates to estimated global crusher energy consumption of GWh. 10% saving = 102 MW Daily energy efficiency Very limited studies on crushing plants
CASE STUDY - OVERVIEW OF THE CRUSHING PLANT Operate according to production requirements 2x 50kton Stock piles, one loaded and one reclaimed
REDUCING ENERGY COST OF THE CRUSHING PLANT 1. Determine required stock-pile levels using: Present stock levels (raw meal, clinker & cement) Sales forecast 2. Optimise crusher running schedule to: Avoid running during Eskom peak periods Maintain minimum required stock Accommodate optimised maintenance schedules 3. Update proposed daily, weekly and monthly schedules on a daily basis
RESULTS - ENERGY Proposed and actual baseline for April 2012
CONCLUSION Savings not realised due to: Unexpected equipment failure Unexpected sales & lack of confidence in proposed schedules Negative attitude from personnel Average peak time saving of 1.2 MW possible in this study Global saving of 102MW possible, 50% in China Address challenges to realise potential savings